The Valley of Heart's Delight


BIO- Pen Pictures

HENRY C. AHLERS, importer and dealer in diamonds, solid gold watches, and solid gold jewelry, conducts his business in the same rooms where he established himself nine years ago, on the corner of Santa Clara and First Streets, over the First National Bank of San Jose. Here may be met, at almost any hour of day, inspecting or purchasing, or having former purchases reset or repaired, one of more of the solid people, or of the Jeunesse foree, of Santa Clara County. Mr. Ahlers makes a specialty of diamonds, fine jewelry, their setting and manufacture. Realizing, while yet learning his business, that a reputation for thoroughness and reliability was essential to success, also that there was a higher grade of business support in his line, difficult to reach but secure when once had, he kept these objects well in view. Opening his rooms in July, 1879, more especially for the manufacture and repair of fine jewelry, he gradually purchased a stock of goods suitable to his class of customers, not handling any jewelry except that in solid gold. Being an expert in the selection and setting of diamonds, his patrons receive the benefit of his knowledge and judgment, all goods being sold with an absolute guarantee, at a standard price to which a fair profit is added. The successful diamond merchants of the world have been invariably men unerring in selection of gems and unquestionably reliable in their sale. In 1887 Mr. Ahlers carried a stock of diamonds costing as high as $25,000. His watches are almost exclusively of American manufacture, and from the best makers, among them the Howard, Waltham, and Elgin Watches. When necessary, he also manufactures any article of jewelry specially ordered, and carries no jewelry or watches except those in solid gold. Buying all his diamonds unmounted, he sets them in the latest styles or in any special style to order. Some of the work on exhibition in Mr. Ahlers' establishment shows an excellent taste and superb workmanship. There can be seen diamonds varying from the small chip to the larger solitaire of purest water.

A native of Germany, where he was born in 1858, he at an early age came to America, engaging at once in learning the jewelry business, in which he has remained continuously up to this time. Besides his jewelry trade, Mr. Ahlers is largely interested in fruit-growing, having a half interest with Mr. F. Brassy in an orchard of 200 acres, seven miles from San Jose, and adjoining the well-known orchard of S. F. Lieb, and the Pourtal vineyard on the Stevens Creek road. They have 160 acres in prunes and forty acres in wine grapes just coming into bearing. He and Mr. Brassy also own an addition to San Jose, consisting of sixty lots on Alum Rock Avenue, near McLaughlin Avenue, called The Brassy & Ahlers tract. There they have erected handsome residences for themselves, and will sell lots only to those who will make corresponding improvements. These gentleman deserve credit for the valuable improvements in that neighborhood. They have also erected another building of similar character to help start the movement of the better class of residents in that direction, and purchased the lots on the opposite side of the Alum Rock Avenue to prevent an inferior class of buildings getting lodgment there. Mr. Ahlers has been indeed the architect of his own fortunes. Starting in life with no capital but that of ready hands, a clear head, and willing heart, he has while yet young in years achieved a notable success, arising at first from a thorough mastering of his business and a strict attention to it, and later from the judicious investments afforded to his surplus capital in this beautiful and prosperous valley.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. transcribed by Roena Wilson , 380-381

SANTA CLARA COUNTY HISTORY- The Valley of Heart's Delight

Aug 3, 2005