The Valley of Heart's Delight

Herman A. Saxe

Bio- Alley Bowen- page 737

Born in Sheldon, Franklin county, Vermont, February 27,1836, where he received his early education in the common schools. At the
age of eighteen he moved to Saxesville, Waushara county, Wisconsin, and with the exception of a Summer passed in Minnesota there resided for the next five years.

On February 22, 1859, in company with twenty-five others, our subject started from Green Lake, Marquette county, Wisconsin, to Pike's Peak. Arriving at Boulder City about the first of the following May, where they remained only a few weeks, five of the party including H.A. and Jacob W. Saxe determined to advance into California, and finally arrived at Camptonville, Yuba county, but here out subject remaining here only a short time pushed on to Santa Clara county and settled in the town of that name.

After a course of scientific study in the College there, he commenced teaching in Solano county, but at the end of three years he returned to Santa Clara and engaged in teaching there for a twelve month, when he returned to Solano county and purchased a farm. Abandoning his agricultural pursuits in a year, he returned to the cultivating of youthful minds.

Married Miss Flora J. Daniel on September 6, 1865, and with his bride returned to Santa Clara, where he made his home for five years. Mr. Saxe subsequently resided in San Francisco, in San Jose, Tulare county, Los Angeles, and finally came to East San Jose where he at present resides. He is now Principal of the Empire-street School, a position he has held with satisfaction to trustees and parents alike for the past four years. His family consists of William A. (Deceased), John D., Alfred W., and Emma R.

History of Santa Clara County, California, Monroe Frasier, published 1881 Alley, Bowen & Co, Publishers, San Francisco Page 737
transcribed by jch