CARL WESLEY HAMAN.—A man of wide experience and executive ability, Carl Wesley Haman has covered an unusual field in his business and professional life, as a school teacher, in the banking business, the newspaper field, as a horticulturist, and now as assistant manager of Rosenberg Bros. & Company, in all of which he has attained success. He was born in Monticello, Lewis County, Mo., October 13, 1868, third son of Charles and Elizabeth (Hudson) Haman, the father of German parentage, while the mother was born in Tennessee, of English and Irish descent. Three of their sons are living: John H. is a retired farmer and capitalist of Canton, Mo., and president of the Monticello Trust Company. William F., a minister in the Christian church, now residing at Canton, Mo., was formerly pastor of Christian churches at St. Louis, Mo., and at Sedalia, Mo. The youngest of the family is Carl W., of this sketch.

            Bereaved of his mother when he was only six weeks old, C. W. Haman was reared by his uncle and aunt, Frederick and Elvira (Lair) Haman, of Shelby County Mo., who, having no children of their own, legally adopted him, and there C. W. received his early education. After graduating from the high school he entered the State Normal School at Kirksville, Mo., finishing the regular four years' course there in the class of 1889. After graduating, he began teaching at Salem, Mo., where he was first assistant in the high school. In 1892 he helped organize the bank at Bethel, Mo., and became its cashier, occupying that position until 1895, when he and his wife came to California.

            Settling at Santa Clara, Mr. Haman entered the newspaper field, working on the Santa Clara Journal, a semi-weekly, for a year, N. H. Downing then being the proprietor. Later he and the Messrs. Downing purchased forty-three acres of land near Santa Clara, which they set out to prunes, this marking Mr. Haman's entrance into horticulture, and he still owns part of the tract; he also has other orchard interests. Next he engaged in the feed and fuel business at Santa Clara, continuing in this for five years and operating his orchard properties at the same time. Several years ago Mr. Haman began as a fruit buyer for Rosenberg Bros. & Company, buying from growers in Santa Clara County. He has been very successful in this work and is now assistant manager of the Santa Clara plant.

            On August 27, 1890, Mr. Haman was married to Miss Bertha Morgan, who was born at Salem, Ill., a daughter of John M. and Catherine (Bright) Morgan, both natives of Ohio. When Mrs. Haman was nine years old her parents moved to Kirksville, Mo., and there she was educated in the public schools and at the Kirksville State Normal School. The father is deceased, but Mrs. Morgan is still living at Kirksville, the mother of six children: A. R. Morgan is principal of the Sherman School at St. Louis, Mo.; Martha is the widow of the late Newton Williams of Kirksville, Mo.; Alice is the widow of G. D. Dawson of Memphis, Mo.; Adah, became the wife of John M. Gates of Kirksville, Mo., and passed away in 1891, leaving a daughter, Adah, now Mrs. Craig Reddish of Washington, D. C.; Bertha E. is Mrs. Haman; Olive is at home with her mother. Mrs. Haman is a talented, cultured woman, and both she and her husband are members of the Baptist Church at Santa Clara, Cal., Mrs. Haman being in charge of the music, and Mr. Haman being Sunday School Superintendent. Popular in Masonic circles, Mrs. Haman is past matron of Santa Clara Chapter No. 195, O. E. S., while Mr. Haman is past master of Liberty Lodge No. 299, F. & A. M. He is also an officer of San Jose Commandery No. 10, Knights Templar, and belongs to Islam Shrine of San Francisco. He is a stockholder of the Santa Clara branch of the Bank of Italy and of the Bank of San Jose, and for eight years was president of the Santa Clara Board of Education. He served several years on the Republican County Central Committee, and is numbered among the influential citizens of Santa Clara.

Transcribed by Joseph Kral from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page  788