President of the Los Gatos Telephone Company
Bio- Sawyers


A far-seeing, experienced official who has amply demonstrated exceptional executive ability is George Webster Turner, the president of the Los Gatos Telephone Company.  He was born at San Francisco on November 25, 1860, the son of Cephas Tuner, Jr., a native of Hampden, Me., who had married Miss Vienna Bell Webster, a native of Sanborn, Me. One of the paternal ancestors,  John Turner, a native of England, came on the Mayflower, in 1620, to Plymouth, Mass., and founded the family that have since become prominent and leading citizens in every walk of life throughout  the entire United States.  On his maternal side, George W. Turner is descended from Major Samuel Nasson, who was of French Huguenot origin, and the family were also early settlers of New England, some of whom served in the Colonial wars, while Major Nasson served in the Revolution as major of a Maine artillery regiment.

Cephas Turner Jr., was one of the argonauts that left New England in 1849 for the California gold fields, coming as a passenger on the sailing vessel Harriette Rockwell, around Cape Horn, arriving at San Francisco In February, 1850.  After following mining with varied success, he located in SAn Francisco, where he rose to business prominence and became one of the leading manufacturers.  In 1858 he returned to Maine by way of the Isthmus of Panama, where he married Miss Webster, and returned with his bride to San Francisco, where he resumed his business.  He was prominent in civic and social affairs in the early days of San Francisco and was a citizen highly esteemed and much loved by all who knew him.  He passed away about twenty years ago.  His widow is still living, at the age of eighty-nine, and makes her home with and it tenderly cared for by her son, George Webster Turner.

Mr. Turner attended both the grammar and the high schools of San Francisco, but because of trouble with his eyesight, he was compelled to give up studying.  He then engaged in the insurance business in San Francisco, and he has been active with insurance and real estate since 1876.  In this field he has made an enviable reputation, both for valuable experience and integrity and dependability, and he has done what he could to stabilize insurance and realty in the Golden State.  In 1908 he came to Los Gatos to make his home, and for the past eleven years he has been associated with the local telephone company, while for ten years he has been, as he now is, president.  He served on the city council for four years, and for two years he was chairman of the board, and it was during his term of office that the city hall and the sewers were built, the streets paved, and many improvements effected.

At San Francisco, November 9, 1887, Mr. Turner was married to Miss Harriette B. Chapman, a native daughter, born in San Francisco, the daughter of Henry F. and Anne. (Seed) Chapman, natives of Connecticut and Yorkshire, England, respectively.  The Chapman family were among the earliest  families of Connecticut and some of Mr. Turner's ancestors served in the Revolutionary War.  Henry F. Chapman was a '49er, locating in Sacramento until the flood of 1863, when he moved to San Francisco.  He was a naturalist and was one of the founders of the Academy of Science in that city.  Mrs. Turner was a graduate of the San Francisco high school.  Two children have come to bless their union:  Enid is the wife of Hans Lisser, a practicing physician in San Francisco and instructor in the Medical Department of the University of California.  Ruth Bell Turner is at home.  Mr. Turner was made a Mason in Occidental Lodge No. 22. F. & A. M., at San Francisco, thirty-three years ago, and is a past master of the lodge, as well as one of its oldest and most honored members.  He is also a popular member of the San Jose Lodge No. 522, Elks, and the Royal Arcanum, and of California Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, San Francisco, and was formerly a member of the Bohemian Club.  He is proud of being a native son and deeply interested in preserving the old historical and pioneer landmarks in the state. Having accumulated a competence, he spends much of his time in scientific research and is particularly a student of ethnology.

Transcribed by CDF, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1105