Bio- Pen Pictures


resides at "Orchard Homes " in the Cambrian District, where he owns 8 1/10 acres, all devoted to fruit culture. Two-thirds of the orchard comprises 200 Moorpark apricot trees, six years old, and 240 Silver prune trees of the same age. The remainder of the orchard is in French prunes, now (1888) four years old. This property Mr. Snyder bought in the autumn of 1883, that portion which has now reached the age of six years being in a healthy, thrifty condition at the time of the purchase. In 1887 the apricot trees covering two acres yielded a crop which sold for $600, proving that the orchard has not deteriorated under Mr. Snyder's management. He also owns a fine property of 5 1/4 acres on the San Jose and Los Gatos road, about one-half mile from his residence, toward Los Gatos. This tract was purchased in January, 1888, and now comprises 100 peach trees, which were planted in the season of 1887, and 150 apricot and 310 French prune trees, which were set out during the present season (1888).


The subject of our sketch was born in Delaware County, Ohio, on the twenty-second of February, 1848. He was reared and educated in his native county, where his father, George Snyder, died, and where his mother, Sarah A. (Sparks) Snyder, still lives. He married, in Delaware County, Miss Emma Gross, who was born in Pennsylvania.

Mr. Snyder came to the Golden State to make it his home in 1881, and after spending about two years in the southern part of the State determined to settle in Santa Clara Valley, and purchased his present fine homestead. His family joined him soon after this purchase. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder have one child—Grace E., born November 28, 1877.

Their careful, prudent management of their horti­cultural interests and of all the work connected with their property, insures the future prosperity of the or­chards, as well as that of their owners. But not only that they may receive profitable returns, but also on account of their love for horticulture, do they exert themselves to bring their orchards to a high standard of excellence. Enjoying the many pleasant conditions of a life in California, they do not find their work altogether a hard, laborious duty, but are able to take much pleasure in it.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 411-412


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight