Bio-Pen Pictures

resides on the Morrell road, in the Berryessa School District, about five and a half miles northeast of San Jose, where is located his orchard tract of ten acres. His land is rich and productive, and is highly cultivated. The orchard (four years old in 1888) comprises 300 French prune, 300 apricot, l00 peach, 100 apple, 100 pear, and 150 plum trees, with a number of trees each of figs, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts, and mulberries. Mr. Snow raises vegetables upon his place the year round, and that without any irrigation.

        He dates his birth in Essex County, Vermont, March 1, 1848. He is the son of Daniel and Sarah Ann (Perry) Snow, both natives of Vermont. He was trained in the details of farm work, receiving the education of the public schools. When he attained his majority he started out in life for himself, engaging in farm labor for several years.

        In 1875 Mr. Snow was united in marriage with Miss Cora A. Lucas, the daughter of John M. and Adeline Lucas, residents of Vermont. The year following their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Snow came to California, and located in Santa Clara County. After working here for a year, Mr. Snow, in partnership with his father-in-law, bought twenty acres near Berryessa, which they improved and planted with fruit-trees. That property Mr. Snow sold in 1884, and purchased his present residence.

        Mr. Snow is a man of energy, and a successful horticulturist. He was chosen to be a School Trustee, and served in that capacity for two years, 1886-87. In politics, he is a stanch Republican, and feels much interest in the political issues of the day. Having confidence in the future growth and prosperity of his county, he is much interested in all that tends toward that end.

        His wife is the owner of a five-acre tract just south of the church at Berryessa, upon which are 300 apricot, 100 French prune, 60 cherry, 30 peach, and 25 plum-trees. There is also a comfortable cottage upon the place. Mr. and Mrs. Snow are the parents of two children, viz., Irving W., born June 7, 1876; and Arthur, born January 3, 1887. The father of Mrs. Snow is also a member of Mr. Snow's family.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg.  429-430



SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight