Bio- Pen Pictures

        San Jose is a city of charming residences. Built with tasteful and modern designs, and embowered in trees and surrounded by lawns, as most of them are, they create at once a favorable impression. This is largely owing to the architects of the city, who are, for the most part, men of skill, of careful training and experience in their art. Among them is Mr. Geo. W. Page, with offices in the Knox Block, who has been a resident of the State for five years. Born in Boston, in 1851, he there received his education, passing from the public schools to the Institute of Technology, taking the architectural course. He later entered the offices of Sturgis & Brigham, Hartwell & Swasey, Bryant & Rogers, Ware & Van Brunt, and other leading architects, where he gained practical experience during seven years, and was engaged upon many of the larger and better buildings erected there in that time. He was then employed by A. T. Stewart, the merchant prince of New York, as an assistant architect on the building of the immense Grand Union Hotel at Saratoga Springs, New York State, and other buildings there. He was also employed by Stone & Carpenter, of Providence, Rhode Island, to assist in the construction of the State prison and Court House in that city.

        In 1876 he came to California, locating in San Francisco and engaging in his profession there for four years. In 1880 he returned to Boston, entering into partnership with G. A. Avery. In 1883 he came back to California, and in 1885 settled in San Jose, engaging in business in partnership with E. B. Goodrich. In 1886 they dissolved partnership, and since then Mr. Page has had his offices in their present location, most of his time being devoted to the constructing of private residences. The fine new addition to the St. James Hotel was erected under his charge, and he also furnished the plans for the " New Sea Beach " Hotel at Santa Cruz beach. The handsome new Congregational Church in San Jose, and the magnificent residence of W. S. Clark, on the Alameda, are also among his work, and he has been selected as the architect for the new chapel and conservatory of music in connection with the University of the Pacific. He is devoted exclusively to his profession, allowing no extraneous matters to distract his attention. He is a member of the Masonic Order, of San Jose Lodge, No. 10, and is a popular and eminent member of society.

        Mr. Page was married, in 1884, to Miss Mary F. Hutchinson, of Alviso. They have two children, Gladys and Genevieve.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 509-510


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight