
Naturally prominent among the distinguished librarians of the country, both on account of his own scholarly and literary attainments, and also on account of the famous insti-tution he helped to create and which he now directs with such mastery, George Thomas Clark, librarian of Stanford University Library, enjoys a most envia-ble position throughout California, wielding as he does a powerful influence here in the cause of higher learning. A native son, he was born at San Francisco in 1862, fIrst seeing the light on December 7, the son of the Hon. Robert Clark, a prominent business man of the Bay City, who so ably represented his district for a term in the California State Legislature. He was a native of Vermont, and while still a resident of the East, was married to Miss Augusta Caryl, a native of New Hampshire, both parents representing fine old American stock. George Thomas Clark, growing up in an environment certain to de-velop in him to the greatest extent his natural powers and special talents, was graduated from the Univer-sity of California in 1886, with the degree of Bachelor of Science, and six years later, on June 8, at San Francisco, he married Miss Annie Douglas, a native of Ohio, then residing at that city, a lady of talent and exceptional charm, who is now deceased. One son, Douglas Clark, blessed this happy union, and in time he was graduated from Stanford University, as a metallurgist and mining engineer.

During the year of his graduation from the State University, Mr. Clark was made assistant librarian of the University of California Library, and from 1887 to 1890, he was deputy state librarian. For the next four years, he was classifier at the California State Library, and from 1894 to 1907, he was librarian of the San Francisco Public Library. Since 1907, Mr. Clark has been at the helm of the great center of research and repository of literature which, more than ever since the appalling earthquake and fIre, has moved forward to take front rank with the renowned and most serviceable libraries of the world; and only those who have used that library extensively, or have watched with expert knowledge and regular review the development and growth of the establishment, can fully appreciate what Mr. Clark has done, in co-operation with others and on the foundations already laid, to make the library what it is. In 1913 Mr. Clark was sent East by the trustees of Stanford University to look over the important libraries and to get suggestions from them. When he was the head of the San Francisco Public Library in 1904 he had made a tour of the country to gather ideas for a new building which was to be erected in that city.  On this first trip he visited practically all of the well equipped libraries of that time, so that his later tour was a rounding out of the forerm instpection and he looked over only the buildings which had been put up in tghe meanwhile. During the year 1920, Mr. Clark, during a leave of absence from the University, made a journey around the world on which, as a side issue, he visited famous librariesa nd purchased books.  He went first to Japan, where he was entertained by the Stanford Club, which is composed for the most part of Japanese graduates from Stanford.  From Japan he proceeded to the Malay settlements and India, where he had planned to meet Dr. Brainerd Spooner, '99, the deputy director-general of the Indian Archaeological Survey; but did not do this owing to the fact that he did not reach Delhi, the capital, unitl April, and the government had already moved to teh summer capital in the hills at Simla.  Mr. Clark, following this course of travel, finally came to Europe.  On this trip he purchased over 10,000 volumes for the university library.  Most of them were out of the books which had been ordered for several years and which had not been found in that time. While a student at Stanford, Mr. Clark was an editor of the "Blue and Gold" and in his senior years was the joing editor of the "Occident," then one of the leading student publications.  He is a member of the A. L. A., and also the Library Association of Califonria; and he has to his credit the immense work of a joint compiler of an indet to the laws of California covering the period from 1850 to 1893.

Transcribed by Carolyn Feroben from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page  788