BIO-Pen Pictures
  Among the many fine fruit ranches in the Hamilton District, we must mention the one belonging to the subject of this sketch.  It is situated on Moorpark Avenue, and contains forty acres, of which thirty-two acres are covered with an orchard, sixteen acres being set to apricots, thirteen acres to French prunes, and three acres to a family orchard of peaches, cherries, Silver plums, etc.  Twenty-four acres of the orchard are in five-year-old trees, while the remainder are younger and of different ages.  In 1887, from twelve acres of apricot trees, eighty-five tons of fruit were gathered, and from twelve acres of prune trees, four years old, ten tons of fruit were sold.  There is also a fine vineyard of eight acres, which is being converted into a part of the orchard, as fast as trees can grow.

            Mr. Seybolt was reared and educated in Orange County, New York, where he was born April 21, 1835.  His parents, Frederick and Fanny Seybolt, died in his native State. In 1855 he left that State, and after spending one year in Illinois he went to Nebraska, where, with headquarters in Cass County, he engaged in freighting across the plains, to Colorado and Montana.  For several years he conducted his hazardous business with success.  About 1872 he made Omaha his home, entering the Government service as postal clerk on the Union Pacific Railroad.  In June, 1876, he was promoted and commissioned Post-office Inspector, and in 1882 was assigned to the Salt Lake District, comprising the Territories of Utah, Montana, and Idaho.  During the year following (1883), his district was consolidated with the Pacific District, and Mr. Seybolt placed in charge of “Depredations,” a position of great and trying responsibility.  His district was by far the largest in extent of territory in the United States, embracing as it did the States of California, Oregon, and Nevada, and the Territories of Washington, Idaho, Utah, Montana, Arizona, and Alaska.  All of the business of this immense district was in his charge, he being the Inspector in charge.  The district embraced five inspectors, who had charge of the money order and postal note business, as well as depredations.  Making his headquarters in San Francisco, he bought the property which he now occupies, in June, 1884, and in October following moved his family there.  Mr. Seybolt discharged the arduous duties of his position conscientiously and satisfactorily.  The change in administration retired him from public life.  Tendering his resignation in 1885, he has since devoted his time to the care and improvement of his fine property.

            He was united in marriage with Miss Mary E. Berger, of Cass County, Nebraska, in 1864.  She was reared in the Hawkeye State, but born in Indiana.  They are the parents of five children, viz.:  Fanny E., George E., Fred L., Nellie J., and Marian L.

            Mr. Seybolt has led an active, busy life, and for his advancement and success is indebted only to his unaided efforts, as each step in advance was the result of merit and ability on his part.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. p. 423-424
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler