Cement Contractor-San Jose

A native son of California and a member of one of the old families of San Jose, George Raggio is numbered among the leading business men of the city, being well known as a cement contractor, in which connection he has built up a large business. He was born on Twelfth (now Thirteenth) Street, San Jose, September 15, 1876, a son of Antone and Mary Raggio, who reared a family of seven children, three sons and four daughters. The father was a native of Italy and by his first marriage, which occurred in that country, he had two children. As a young man, in the early '50s, he emigrated to the United States, and making his way to California. he settled in Tuolumne County. where for a few years he was employed in the mines. He then came to San Jose in about 1867 and purchased property on what was then Twelfth Street but has now become Thirteenth Street. He became a successful horticulturist, purchasing twenty-one acres of land on the Northern Road, which he devoted to the raising of fruit, developing one of the finest orchards in this section of the state. He passed away when fifty-four years of age, but the mother survives and is now residing at 151 North Thirteenth Street, just across the street from the old family homestead. With the growth of the city the property has increased in value and it has been divided into lots by the ,Rucker Realty Company, constituting one of the attractive residential sections of San Jose.

George Raggio attended the public schools of his native city till the age of sixteen years. However. during vacations, as early as twelve years, he secured the position of water boy with a cement crew, thus gaining his initial experience in a line of business which he has since continued to follow. When sixteen years old he began working for Brookbanks & Kelley, pioneer cement contractors, and continued with them for many years. His ready adaptability and close application soon won him promotion, and before he had reached the age of eighteen he was made foreman of a crew of men. Through industry and economy he accumulated sufficient capital to establish a business of his own, and he now ranks with the leading cement contractors of San Jose. Owing to the excellence of his work and his straightforward, reliable dealing, he has been awarded many important contracts, among which may be mentioned the cement work on the Montgomery Hotel, the Twohy Building, the Y. M. C. A. Building, the Alum Rock Bath House, the hall for the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Hall of Records Building.

In San Jose, November, 1901, Mr. Raggio was married to Miss Jennie Corotto, who was born near Hollister, Cal. Her parents were pioneers of San Benito County but now reside in San Jose. Mr. and Mrs. Raggio have become the parents of a daughter, Genevieve, who is attending the San Jose High School. The family reside in a fine home at 139 North Thirteenth Street. For recreation Mr. Raggio turns to hunting, trapping and fishing, going to the Sierras on hunting and fishing expeditions; both all over California and into Oregon each year and is very successful in securing lots of game and fish. He is a Republican in his political views and for many years he has been a prominent member of the San Jose Builders Exchange. He has thoroughly identified his interests with those of the city in which his entire life has been spent and his progressiveness has been a potent element in its upbuilding.

Sawyer, Eugene T, History of Santa Clara County, California : Los Angeles, Calif.: Historic Record Co., 1922, 1776 pgs.

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SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight