A young man who has made a success of horticulture who also served his country in the Spanish-American War is Harry B. Gordon, a native son of Sonoma County, born at Healdsburg, September 27, 1877'; his father, Eugene Gordon was also born there.  Grandfather Andrew J. Gordon was born in Missouri and crossed the plains in 1846 a member of the Donner party until the train divided and he came with those who took the old trail and came safely and in due time to California.  Andrew J. Gordon followed farming near Healdsburg, locating on Dry Creek and owned a large farm on the Russian River bottoms, now very valuable hop lands, but he sold it in early days and moved to Anderson Valley, Mendocino County, and engaged in stockraising; later he removed to Texas where he became a large landowner and resided until his death.  The father, Eugene Gordon, was also a stockman in Anderson Valley until he removed to Texas, where he followed the same business until his death.  The mother of our subject was Laura Tailor; she was born in Illinois and came to California with her parents, who located Kelseyville, Lake County, Cal., where she grew to womanhood.  Some years after her husband's death, Mrs. Laura Gordon married Jacob M. Cox, a prominent rancher and official of Santa Clara County, a union that proved very happy until Mr. Cox was summoned by death. She now makes her home in Oakland.
Harry V Gordon is an only child and was reared in Texas from the age of three until twelve.  In 1890 he came to San Jose with his step-father, Jacob M. Cox, who is represented on another page in this history.  Harry V Gordon attended school at the Alameda Hester school and during these years he took up horticulture under Mr. Cox, who owned an orchard as well as being the deputy county assessor, so after his school days were over he took charge of the Cox ranch.  On the breaking out of the Spanish-American War, he enlisted at San Francisco July 6, 1898, in Battery I., Third W. S. Artillery, being stationed at the Presidio, until he was honorably discharged March 23, 1899.  He signified his willingness to go East as a range finder in the U. S. Army, so he was sent East and  was attached to the range finding department, Battery M, Fifth U S Artillery, serving at Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island, until his discharge March 23, 1902.  During his stay in New York City he became acquainted with his future wife, Miss Barbara Nosova, who was born in Prague, Bohemia, a daughter of Francis and Marie Nosova.  The father passed away in his native land and the mother brought the children to New York City where she still makes her home.  Mrs. Gordon was educated in the schools of Prague and when she came to the United States she resided in New York City until her marriage to Mr. Gordon,  on June 16, 1901.  On his discharge, Mr. Gordon brought his wife to his ranch in Santa Clara County, which is a portion of the old William Cox ranch.  He has been successful in raising fruit and now owns thirty-four acres devoted to growing prunes.  Mr. and Mrs. Gordon have three children; Alma Marie, a graduate of San Jose high school is the wife of Ralph E. Weaver, residing in Evergreen; Camille Clifford is attending the Los Gatos high school; and Jackson Milan.  Mr. Gordon was made a Mason in Liberty Lodge No. 299 F. & A. M., at Santa Clara.

transcribed by C feroben from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page  1354