Bio-Pen Pictures

proprietor of the Enterprise Carriage Manufactory, came to the Golden State in 1860, and has been engaged in his present line of business nearly a third of a century in California. He landed in San Francisco with thirty cents in his pocket as his cash capital; soon afterward he went to Dutch Flats, Placer County, arriving on the Fourth of July, 1860. He there learned his trade of carriage-making, and established himself in business, remaining exactly twenty-five years. He then sold out, and traveled over the State, seeking a desirable location, and upon visiting San Jose concluded he had found the point sought for, and settled here three years ago. He first bought in as a partner, and later became sole proprietor, succeeding Mr. H. Prindle in the business, at 67 North Market Street. Besides making all classes of vehicles to order, he keeps a fine stock of buggies and carriages from the best Eastern manufactories. Repairing is also a prominent  feature of his work. An average of fifteen skilled workmen are employed in the several departments of the factory. Under Mr. Halsey's active, energetic management the concern is doing a thriving, prosperous business. Mr. Halsey is a product of the Empire State, born in the town of Lancaster. His father carried on the carriage business successfully for many years, then left New York for the Pacific slope, and settled in Dutch Flats, Placer County, where he still resides.

        January 5, 1870, the subject of this memoir was joined in wedlock with Miss Ella Chamberlain, a California girl. They have had three children; a daughter and a son are living.


Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 627


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight