History of Santa Clara County, California :
San Francisco: Alley, Bowen & Co., 1881,


W. Z. Angney (Deceased). (see bio of 1888)The subject of this narrative, whose portrait appears in this work, was born in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, October 3, 1818, and died at his residence in Gilroy township, January 28,1878. He received his education primarily in the grammar department of the High School of his native place, and at the age of seventeen years entered Dickenson's College, from which seat of learning he graduated, with honors, at the end of four years. He then entered upon the study of law, reading for two years, under Mr. Alexander, of Carlisle. Soon after, Mr. Angney removed to Jefferson City, Missouri, where he was admitted to the Bar, at the same time as P. 0. Minor, of San Jose. Here he remained between four and five years when, the Mexican war breaking out, he joined the army, and was appointed a Lieutenant; a subaltern's work was to be his only for a short time ; he was soon promoted to a company as Captain, and in the campaign rose to command a Brigade of Regulars, in all of which responsible positions he displayed both skill and courage. At the close of hostilities he was chosen one of the Delegates to Washington, D. C., in the interests of New Mexico in regard to her admission into the Union. After a year on that duty he returned to New Mexico, and in 1851 came to California, in charge of a large party, he being the first .person to drive sheep over that route. After traveling through California for some months, he made a visit to his native State, but returned to the Pacific coast, via Panama, and took up his residence in San Francisco in 1863, where he entered upon the practice of his profession, and continued it for one year. In the course of time Mr. Angney had become well-known and gathered about him a great many clients and a large practice; but, having conscientious scruples in regard to the practice of law in San Francisco in those days, he abandoned the office and the desk, and, purchasing a band of sheep, came to Santa Clara county, and established himself upon the ranch of three hundred and seventy acres, where his widow now resides. Mr. Angney had always taken an active part in all enterprises that tend to enlighten and elevate the mind. He was a member of the Legislature in 1867-68; was elected to the Senate for four years in 1875, and it was when home from his labors in the Upper House that he was gathered to his Father. Captain Angney was considered a fine scholar, a polished gentleman, a true friend, a bold enemy, and, above all, an honest man. His friends loved him; his enemies feared him; he was also a fine entertainer, full of humor, full of cheerfulness, and the best company in the wide world. He was twice married; first, in 1850, to an English-Spanish lady, of Santa Fe, New Mexico. One daughter was born of this union, Miss Annie, now in England. He was married again, in San Francisco, April 24, 1863, to a Miss Witham, a native of Oxford county, Maine. After the death of our subject the following verse was found in his pocket:—
" We die not all, for our deeds remain
To crown with honor or mar with stain.
Through endless sequence of years to come,
Our lives shall speak, though our lips are dumb."

George Anson. Was born in Logan county, Kentucky, January 18, 1816. When eleven years of age he went with his parents to Pike county, Missouri. In 1835 we find Mr. Anson in Black Hawk Purchase, forty-five miles above the mouth of the Des Moines river, afterwards becoming Van Buren county, State of Iowa; being reared a farmer, here he remained until 1850, when he crossed the plains to California, arriving at Hangtown (now Placerville) August 26th of that year. He proceeded to Coloma, where he mined until October 1st, and then came to Santa Clara county, remaining until February, 1857, when he ret urned to the mines, continuing there until August; then, coming back to this county, farmed for a year near San Jose, when he purchased a ranch near to Dr. Bascom's, and there dwelt until the month of November, 1853; at this time he came to Gilroy township, bought a squatter's claim, near the town of that name, and in July, 1858, purchased his ranch of two hundred and eighty-seven acres, two miles north-west of Gilroy, where he is now, and has since resided. Mr. Anson remains single.

Silas G. Babb. Born in Henry county, Tennessee, July 25, 1841. When but four years of age he moved with his parents to Arkansas, where he resided for nine years; then he moved to Navarro county, Texas, and five years later, to Tarrant county in the same State. In the year 1857 he proceeded to Arizona Territory where he remained until 1858, in April of which year we find him in San Diego, California. In the Spring of 1859 he moved to San Benito county and engaged in mining in Holcomb and Bear valleys from the Spring of 1860 to the Fall of 1861, at which time he purchased stock and drove them to San Luis Obispo, where he arrived in October, 1861. Leaving his cattle here he proceeded to Santa Cruz county and commenced operations in the redwoods which he continued until the Spring of the following year; he then came to Santa Clara county and located on Hanna Brothers' ranch, where he worked for wages until the Spring of 1867. In the Fall of that year he removed to Salinas, Monterey county, and there established the first meat-market in Natividad. In April, 1868, he opened the first butcher shop in Salinas City which he conducted eight months, and selling out in November, returned to Santa Clara county and located at Gilroy. In 1869 he purchased stock and took up government land at the head-waters of the Los Banos creek, in Fresno county, but has made his residence in Gilroy. Mr. Babb remained in the stock trade until the Fall of 1875, and in 1876 embarked in an express and truck business, but sold out in 1880. Married, in California, January 1, 1871, Elizabeth Philbert, a native of Missouri, and has: Sarah E., born June 4, 1875; Minerva M., born October 16, 1877; George W., born November 9, 1878; Maggie H., born September 7, 1880.

William Wallace Beauchamp. Was born in Platt county, Missouri, July 30, 1836. In 1844 he took up his abode in Holt county, and there was reared a farmer. In 1850, in company with his father he crossed the plains to California with ox-teams, and first located in Contra Costa county, where they arrived in October of that year. Here he resided for ten years except one twelvemonth which he passed in Oregon. In 1860 he came to this county and farmed near Santa Clara, and in 1863 removed to his present ranch comprising one hundred acres in Gilroy township. Married, September 26, 1858, Mary E. Lovell, a native of Kentucky, and has: Delia A., born October 10, 1860; Theodore Edwin, born November 18, 1865; Robert Lee, born December 13, 1867; Laura A., born July 27, 1869; William Ira, born August 17, 1876.

George E. Bennett. Born in Litchfield county, Connecticut, August 25, 18:3], where he was educated and served eighteen months at the blacksmith's trade. In the year 1850 he came to California via the Isthmus of Panama arriving in San Francisco in November, 1850. He first proceeded to Stockton, and thence to Sonora, where he engaged in merchandising, and teaming to Stockton besides. In the Spring of 1852, with a brother, he became interested in a saw-mill doing business at Sonora under the firm name of Slacy, Turner & Bennett, but, owing to failure of health, he disposed of his interest therein and started in the stock business about five miles north of Stockton. This enterprise he disposed of in the Winter of 1852-3, and becoming a speculator in beef, he finally drifted into the sheep business in San Joaquin county. Mr. Bennett now became interested in stock-raising in the counties of San Luis Obispo and Monterey until 1862; in that year he took up his residence in Gilroy, Santa Clara county, to have the benefit of its educational advantages for his children ; and there, in 1865, he opened the establishment which he now conducts. Married, April 11, 1858, Eunice Ridge, a native of Michigan, and has: • Joseph Edmund, born  January 28, 1859; William C., born May 15,.1861; Elna, born June 15,1863, died. June 17, 1867; Alice G., born May 18, 1866; Abbie J., born July 12, 1867, died September 10, 1868.

F. W. Blake. The present editor and proprietor of the Gilroy Advocate, was born and educated in the city of London, England. His father was a physician and his mother a daughter of William Lansley, master-builder and contractor of Andover, Hants. His brothers were educated in their father's profession, and one is now practicing in England, and another in San Francisco, California. F. W. Blake had no taste for medicine, and a clerkship was obtained for him in one of the bonded warehouses of the Custom House on the river Thames. For five years he was thrown daily in contact with the officers of trading vessels, and after the death of his parents in his twenty-third year, he was persuaded to accompany a friend, the captain of a merchantman, on one of his voyages. In May, 1861, he landed in New York after remaining there a few weeks he moved westward to Chicago. He soon after joined the telegraph expedition and crossed the plains, wintering in Salt Lake City and arriving the following Spring in San Francisco. The first twelve years in this State were spent in the mercantile business; the last eight have been devoted to journalism. He was always partial to controversy and literature, and when he entered upon the duties. of the editorial sanctum he was a ready writer. The San Benito Advance, founded, by William Shaw, an able journalist, lost none of its popularity under the management of Mr. Blake. The Gilroy Advocate has since prospered under his control. Few country papers have a more respectable standing. It ably chronicles all matters of local interest. It has done much to establish the reputation of Gilroy as one of the best localities for a home in the State. Mr. Blake is in the prime of life, of firm purpose, and resolute disposition, but with a kindly heart, ever ready to lend a helping hand to the necessitous and worthy.

William Brannan. Born in County Mayo, Ireland, December 25, 1830. When four years old he accompanied his parents to the United States, who located at Oswego, New York, where the subject of this sketch was reared. We next find Mr. Brannan serving his apprenticeship at Buffalo, there remaining five years in the confectionery business; his parents then moved to Chicago, where his father died. On account of ill-health our subject was obliged to abandon his trade; he therefore followed the sea for a livelihood, until he came to California in November, 1850. On arrival he at once went to the mines in El Dorado county and there worked for fifteen years; then left and went to hotel keeping on the Placerville and Carson valley wagon road ; then moved to Gilroy and went in the grain, hay and livery business on Eigelberry street, at which place he now resides.

The Honorable H. W. Briggs. The subject of this narrative was born in Rome, Oneida county, New York, August 25, 1819, and is consequently in his sixty-second year. His early schooling was received in the institutions of learning in Lewis county in that State, until he attained the age of thirteen years, when he entered a business house in the capacity of clerk, in Rome, and there remained three years. At eighteen he moved to Lake county, and commenced the career of a school teacher; from here he proceeded to Giles county, Tennessee, where he married and for several years taught at Beech Grove Seminary and Marshall Academy, and afterwards at Spring Creek Academy, Madison county, Tennessee, moving thence, in 1847, to Davis county, Iowa, where he started a mercantile business in Troy. While a resident of this town Mr. Briggs was appointed postmaster; and took an active lead in all the enterprises which tended to build up the place and promote its growth. He was elected to the Board of Supervisors in 1849, and in 1851, he was chosen to fill the high position of County Judge, on whom devolved, at that time, all of the duties now performed by the Supervisoral Board, and by the Probate Court, together with criminal jurisdiction. That he was eminently successful in this sphere of his labors is best told in the fact that during his four years tenure of office only a single appeal was taken from his to a higher court, and in this, his judgment was sustained, a bright example of an evenly balanced mind, and all the more creditable when it is taken into consideration that during these years Mr. Briggs was forced to divide the cares of his mercantile labors with those of his legal position. In the year 1859, disposing of his business, he came to California, intending to embark in farming operations, therefore in the month of October of that year, on arrival in Santa Clara county, he purchased a tract of land in the Berreyessa settlement near San Jose and commenced tilling the soil, but unfortunately losing his leg by an accident in a threshing machine, July 18, 1860, this vocation was brought to a premature end. Though being the victim of misfortune Mr. Briggs was not to remain inactive; he was elected at the Presidential election of November 6, 1860, on the Republican ticket, to the Assembly, when he received one thousand four hundred and seventy-four, out of fifty-nine hundred and seventy-two votes polled, beating his opponent by one hundred and thirty-six. During his presence in the Legislature Mr. Briggs took a prominent and active part in the debates had at the outbreak of the Rebellion, while so appreciated were his labors, that at the close of the Session he was appointed Register of the United States Land Office at Visalia, Tulare county, California. While here, in addition to his official duties, Mr. Briggs conducted a mercantile business and edited a newspaper called The 'Visalia Delta which was published by his son. In 1868 he transferred the scene of his operations to Gilroy where he took charge of the mercantile business of J. M. Brown, which he afterwards purchased and still conducts, and was shortly afterwards appointed Postmaster for that town which office he still holds. No sounding eulogium is needed from us, nor do we purpose to ring the praises of the Hon. H. W. Briggs; let the foregoing facts speak for themselves and be a beacon to the young to emulate such a bright example of courage and perseverance. He married, firstly, July 4, 1843, Mary M. Stinson, a native of Tennessee, who died in 1854; by whom there are Mary, Henry M., Walter F., Fred C., and Eugene A., all now living, but the youngest, sad to say, is blind—but as if the Creator had been determined to make up in one way what had been lost in another, he has blessed this young man with marked talents and a sweet disposition, and, besides being a graduate of the Blind Institution at Berkeley, Alameda county, he is a skilled musician, which science he teaches, and a poet of no ordinary ability. Mr. Briggs married, secondly, Julia Willey, a native of Genesee county, New York, in 1856, who is now living. While Judge Briggs has been an incessant worker in his business, he has been equally active in the moral and intellectual movements of the day, and has always taken a warm interest in the welfare of the children in the communities in which he has lived, He has been a Sabbath-school Superintendent for more than thirty years, and a School Trustee for twenty-seven years, and never seems quite so happy as when surrounded by the little ones who seem to know intuitively that he likes them.

E. E. Brock (Deceased). Was born in Franklin county. Virginia, January 13, 1802. When a young man he went to Missouri, and was there raised and educated. He afterwards moved to Wisconsin, and there followed farming and lead-mining for a number of years. Mr. Brock took an active part in the Black Hawk war, and in 1847 returned to Missouri, en route for California. In the Spring of 1848 he started across the plains for this State, and, arriving on the Yuba, commenced mining, which, however, he was obliged to abandon, on account of sickness in his family. He then came direct to this county, located in the town of Santa Clara, being engaged in farming and stock-raising, and there continued until March, 1862, when he removed to the farm his widow now occupies in Gilroy township. He departed this life May 21, 1869. Mr. Brock was twice married. The widow who survives him, whose maiden name was Eliza S. Day, he espoused June 20, 1843. She is a native of West Virginia. The family by the first marriage consists of Augustus, Robert, Llewellyn, and Benjamin, born in Wisconsin; and by the second wife: Lizzie, born September 12, 1844. in Grant county, Wisconsin ; Frankie, born in Wisconsin; and Emma, Ella and Elisha, born in California.

B Bryant, M D. A native of Spartanburgh county, South Carolina. Here he received his earlier education, but in 1837 he moved to Memphis, Tennessee, entered the Bratanical Medical College, and graduated in March, 1848, after which he commenced to practice in Camden, Wilcox county, Alabama, and, remaining there one year, came direct to California, arriving in San Francisco June 12, 1849. At this time medical men were scarce and those who had come to the country had betaken themselves to the mines: it was therefore a humane prevision which started Dr. Bryant, supplied with an ample store of medicines, to Sacramento, there to establish a hospital, combining with its care the discharge of other professional duties. In Sacramento he remained until December 1st, when he returned to Memphis, and there fitting out teams made the journey across the plains, with two dozen companions, who were to prosecute mining with him " on shares." This journey was completed in 1850. Putting his men. to work in the mines, the Doctor, with his family, transferred his residence to Yuba county, where he built a hotel, and conducted it with marked success until the Fall of 1852, in which year he sold his interest to a man named Rice, and. came to Santa Clara county, locating in Gilroy, November 20,1852. On December 1st he purchased one thousand acres of land from Daniel Rhodes, and soon after acquired two other tracts of seven hundred and five hundred acres each, making the aggregate of his possessions to be two thousand two hundred acres. On this property the Doctor commenced the raising of sheep, a business he conducted until 1877. Moved to San Jose in 1866, and was interested in banking, real estate, etc. Has always practised' his profession in the county, save for the period mentioned-1866 to 1877—and is, with the exception of Doctor Ben Cory, the oldest practitioner in Santa Clara county. Married, firstly, December, 1845, Nancy L. Whitley, of South Carolina, who died in the year 1860. By this union the children are: Perry M., David T., William G., and George P. Secondly, married, April 6, 1864, Henrietta Reeve, a native of Ohio, by whom he has: Calhoun B., and Edgar R.

John Burchell. Born in Castletown, County Cork, Ireland, June, 1829. In the year 1845 he emigrated to Canada, but shortly after his arrival removed to Rutland, Vermont, where he remained until coming to the Pacific coast. Making the journey to California via Nicaragua, he arrived in. Sim. Francisco, April 22, 1855, and in the following August, settled in Santa Clara county, and engaged in dairying in East San Jose. A year later he proceeded to Sonoma county and commenced the like occupation and farming, at the Eight-mile House, between Santa Rosa and Petaluma. Here he dwelt two years, when he returned to Santa Clara county or valley, and established himself, September 1, 1859, in Gilroy township, on his present property, four miles from Gilroy, comprising three hundred and seventy-five acres, where he is now engaged in farming and stock-raising. Married, May 5, 1859, Mary Heaney, a native of Ireland, and has: Mary Jane, born November 19, 1860; Richard, born November 20, 1864; Ellen, born September 18, 1866 ; John William and Catherine Emma (twins), born August 3, 1868 ; Margaret, born January 7, 1871.

John D. Burns. Born in New Castle on Tyne, England, December, 1842. In the year 1863 he emigrated to the United States, joined the army and went to New Orleans; was discharged in April, 1865. He came to Gilroy in 1870 and engaged in the lumber trade. He was married to Emily Hartshorn December 11, 1873. Their two children are: Sadie, born November 2, 1874, and Robert W., born August 18, 1878.
Alfred Chappell. Is a native of the State of Georgia where he was born March 6, 1819, educated and reared a farmer. In the year 18:39 he proceeded to Arkansas; in the Spring of 1840 he removed to Newton (now McDonald) county, Missouri, where he resided until May 1, 1843, when he started for Oregon, across the plains, in company with such well-known pioneers as Julius Martin, Major Hensley, and many others; the subject of this sketch, with the Applegate family, Waldo family, Ex-Senator Nesmith, and Governor Burnett, proceeding to Oregon. In the Spring of 1844 he returned to Missouri with Colonel Gilpin; in the like season of 18:50 he re-crossed the plains and arrived at Winter's Bar, October 10th of that year. In 1852 he came to San Jose where he farmed until 1833; in that year he removed to Gilroy township and. located on his present ranch comprising two hundred acres. In the year 1869 Mr. Chappell visited his friends at the East. Married, December 12, 1839, Mary Lauderdale, a native of Tennessee, and has nine children : Robert W., born January 28, 1841; Sarah 0., born February 6, 1843; Fannie Jane, born October 7, 1845; Francis M., born June 17, 1848; Thomas Jasper, born October 23, 1850; John William, born September 29, 1852; Mary Ann, born February 20, 1855; Martha Ellen, born November 18, 1857; George Alfred, born June 2, 1860.

Amos G. Cole. Born in Onondaga county, New York, November 20, 1825, where he was educated. At the age of nineteen years he went to Syracuse and apprenticed himself to the mason's trade, and worked at it until 1852, in which year he sailed for California from New York City, arriving in the month of June at San Francisco, after having suffered shipwreck on the coast of Mexico, by which much delay was caused, the passengers, who were all saved, having to journey on mule back to Acapulco, a -distance of one hundred miles from the scene of the disaster, where passage was taken on board the ship Northern Light. Mr. Cole proceeded direct to  the mines, but in November of the same year returned to the Bay City and worked at his trade. In 1856 he once more tried his luck at the mines which he abandoned in the Fall of 1869 and came to Santa Clara county, taking up his residence in Gilroy, where in 1871 he established his brick-kiln situated to the north-west of the town. He married, August 18, 1861, Augusta Wolters, a native of Bremen, Germany, and has: Sterling L., born May 13, 1865; Almina, born June 27, 1868; Augusta, born April 20, 1872: Amos W., born June 6, 1879.

John A. Cottle. Born in Windsor county, Vermont, May 9, 1812. When six years of age he was taken to Lincoln county, Missouri. He was educated in St. Louis, St. Charles, and Troy. Save two years during which he was engaged as a clerk in Galena, Illinois, and in the lead mines of Wisconsin, just across the line, Mr. Cottle resided in Lincoln county until he came of age. At that epoch in his life he proceeded to Quincy, Illinois, and there dwelt for five years, after which he located in Wisconsin. In 1850 he crossed the plains to California, and soon after engaged in the stock business in Peach Tree valley. In the Fall of 1854 Mr. Cottle returned to the East, but recrossed the plains in the Spring of the following year with a band of stock which he drove into Santa Clara county, arriving at San Jose September 20, 1855. These he moved into Gilroy township and after keeping them there for two years transferred them to Peach Tree valley. Five years thereafter he sold his stock and commenced agriculture, but at the end of six years more he discontinued this occupation and purchased an interest in the Gilroy Hot Springs. Married, firstly, September, 1837, Julia E. Stone, a native of Troy, Lincoln county, Missouri, who died in the Winter of 1850; and secondly, Priscilla Cottle in 1852, who died in 1862. He married his present wife Cordelia Cottle, a native of St. Charles county, Missouri, in 1864, his only surviving child being a son by his first wife, named Henry Edward, born in September, 1839.

Caleb Brown Crews. Born in Boone county, Missouri, in the year 1834. When a mere child he lost his parents and was reared by his brother Randolph, who moved to Henry county in 1845. Here the subject of this sketch was educated and brought up a farmer. In 1852 he crossed the plains to California, arriving at Belmont, in September of that year. He immediately proceeded to Mokelumne Hill where he was employed on a farm until 185:3; he then came to Santa Clara county, located at Mountain View and commenced teaming, but afterwards embarked in farming and stock-raising which he continued until 1864; he then purchased the one hundred and thirty acres in Gilroy township known as the Ortega Homestead, on which he now resides. Married, June 28, 1860, Mrs. Emeline