
Among the men who have done much to advance the fruit interests of the Santa Clara Valley, likewise a native son of the Golden State, is George H. Anderson, of San Jose. He was born in Fairfield, Solano County, on August 17, 1863, a son of the late J. Z. Anderson and his good wife, who was in maidenhood Miss Sarah Sloan. The elder Anderson was among the early pioneers of Santa Clara County and helped to develop the fruit industry in pioneer times. He died in 1916 and was followed to the grave by his widow in 1920. A sketch of their lives appears on another page of this history.

George H. Anderson attended the grammar and high schools of Santa Clara County, supplementing his education by attending a business college. When a lad he began to learn the details of the fruit industry from working with his father, who operated when the industry was in the experimental stage, and this training has stood him in good stead in later years for he is an authority on fruit, from preparing the land to marketing the product. He owns some valuable interests in San Benito County and controls other orchard interests in Santa Clara County, besides he has been engaged in the buying, packing and shipping of fruits for several years.

Mr. Anderson has been twice married; his first wife was Miss Susie Brown, daughter of the pioneer family of that name, and she passed away on July 16, 1912, leaving three children: Howard Anderson is an employe of the Federal Reserve Bank in San Francisco; J. Z. and Elizabeth are attending the public schools in San Jose. The second marriage united Mr. Anderson with Mrs. Clara Simpson of Santa Cruz, a lady well qualified to cooperate with her worthy husband in all his undertakings. The family home is located at 661 North First Street, San Jose. Mr. Anderson's interests have been identified with Santa Clara County for many years and he has taken an active part in all movements for the development of its varied resources, at the same time doing his part to advance civic reform under the banner of the Republican party, being elected a member of the State Assembly in 1901. He is an Elk and a member of the Saratoga, Olympic and the Commercial Clubs and. of the Chamber of Commerce. He is an enthusiastic sportsman and was a member of the five-man team of trap-shooters that held the championship for Santa Clara County for several years; as an expert shot he has many trophies to show for his marksmanship. An agreeable, courteous gentleman, Mr. Anderson has won and maintained friends where-ever he is known and these friends rejoice at his financial success and high standing in his community.
From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1150


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight