Bio-Pen Pictures

dealer in real estate, and  general business agent at Santa Clara, is a native of the State of New York, and was born near Cazenovia, Madison County, October 24, 1823. He is the second of five sons, and one of seven children of Robert R. and Laura (Coley) Jenkins, who, when he was seven years of age, removed to New Woodstock, New York, where he attended the common school and the academy at that place up to his eighteenth year. He then went to Madison, New York, where he learned the trade of tinner, and afterward worked there as a journeyman tinner until the fall of 1848, when he established himself in the stove and tinware business at Lacon, Marshall County, Illinois. There he carried on that business until he came to California, in the spring of 1853. Here he was not engaged in any permanent business until 1857, when he invested in cattle in Santa Cruz County, where he dealt in live stock and also raised the same till 1863; then, meeting with an accident, he was obliged to discontinue business, and for twelve years, up to 1875, being an invalid, he was in no business. In the spring of 1875, locating at Santa Clara, he engaged in the real-estate business, and also secured a commission as Notary Public. He was also appointed as Justice of the Peace to fill a vacancy, and was subsequently elected to the same office, serving in all two years. Politically he is a Republican.

        January 15, 1846, he was married, at Jacksonville, Illinois, to Miss Emmarilla T. Chandler, a daughter of Isaac and Aveline (Austin) Chandler, who came to Santa Clara County in 1849. Mr. Jenkins; who was in poor health previous to his emigrating to this State, has regained his health and ventured again in business, and thus has to some extent retrieved some of his losses, and has succeeded in establishing himself in a remunerative business at Santa Clara, with a wide circle of friends and a prosperous future before him. Neither himself nor his wife is a member of any church. He is a member of True Fellowship Lodge, No. 238, I. O. O. F., of Santa Clara.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

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SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight