Quicksilver Mining Company
New Almaden

 Bio-Pen Pictures

Assistant Accountant of the Quicksilver Mining Company, New Almaden, is a native of Detroit, Michigan, born May 30, 1849, his parents being James and Mary (Hanmer) Carson. He was reared in Detroit, attending school there until fifteen years of age. He then attended the Metropolitan Institute, New York, for four years. He then went into the office of his father, who was in the iron trade in New York city. Thence he went to the Lake Superior mines, and from there to Detroit, where he engaged in the wholesale tobacco business as clerk, and afterward in the iron business. In 1875 he came to California, and after four months at Oakland, went into the United States employ in the post-office, San Francisco. Eight months later he came to Santa Clara and bought an interest in a plumbing house, which then became Menzel & Carson. After eighteen months he closed out his interest to his partner and engaged in the district telegraph business at San Jose, and succeeded to the superintendency about one year later. When the concern changed hands he started the telephone business, at San Jose, but the competition of the other firm with its protected patents compelled the selling out of the business, and he entered the employ of the South Pacific Coast Railroad as agent at Agnew and afterward at Los Gatos, which position he filled until coming to New Almaden.

        Mr. Carson was married, in Detroit, to Miss Nellie Carter. They have seven children, namely: James, George, Edward W., Mary, Hattie, Lulu, and Nellie. The oldest was born in Detroit, the others all in California.

        Mr. Carson was one of the charter members of Mt. Hamilton Lodge, A. O. U. W., and has been its Master. Politically he is a Democrat. He was appointed Postmaster of New Almaden shortly after the commencement of Cleveland's administration, and has since held that position.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 595-596



SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight