The Valley of Heart's Delight


BIO- Pen Pictures, George P. Bull, page 235-236

George P. Bull resides on a fine tract of land west of the San Jose and Milpitas road, on the west bank of the Coyote Creek. This tract comprises 177 acres, located in the Orchard District, about three miles north of San Jose. His land is all under a high state of cultivation and very productive. Twenty acres are planted with strawberries of the Sharpless variety, seven acres with raspberries, and three acres with blackberries. Forty acres are devoted to the production of various kinds of vegetables, and the remainder of the farm, with the exception of a small orchard, is used for raising grain and hay, and for pasturing stock. It is Mr. Bull's intention in the immediate future to devote 100 acres to the culture of small fruits. One fine artesian well furnishes plenty of water for all purposes. This splendid farm shows the care and attention which Mr. Bull gives to it, and ranks among the best in the district.

The subject of this sketch enjoys the honor of being a native Californian, dating his birth in this county, August 24, 1853. His parents were Dr. George H. Bull and Mrs. Liberata (Cesena) (Fisher) Bull. His father was born in Troy, New York, and was the son of Judge Archibald Bull, of New York. His mother is a native of Mexico, and of Spanish descent. She came to this State in 1844, with her husband, Captain William Fisher, who died not many years afterwards. Mr. Bull's father came to California in 1850, and established himself in the practice of medicine in San Francisco, and later in Santa Clara County. In 1852 he married Mrs. Fisher, and at his death, which occurred in 1854, he left to the care of his widow their only child, the subject of our sketch. In 1856 his mother married Caesar Piatti, a native of Italy, and a pioneer of California, to which State he came in 1849.

Mr. Bull's educational advantages were of the best. After completing the course of study in the Santa Clara College, he became proficient in civil engineering and surveying, a profession which he followed until 1874, at which time he entered the employ of Daniel Murphy, as foreman of his extensive farm and stock ranches near Gilroy (now owned by Daniel M. Murphy and Mrs. Morgan Hill). After being thus engaged for about a year, he married, June 20, 1875, Miss Elizabeth A. Murphy, the daughter of James and Ann (Martin) Murphy, whose history appears in this volume.

He then engaged in farming and stock-raising on lands near Gilroy, and on his father-in-law's home property in San Jose Township. In this work he remained about two years, and then went into the grocery business in San Jose for three years. Returning to agriculture, he again took charge, with his brother-in-law, D. J. Murphy, of the lands last mentioned, and over which he had before exercised a partial supervision. He was thus employed until, in 1884, he established his family upon the property where they now live, which was his wife's portin of her deceased father's estate.

Mr. and Mrs. Bull have three children, viz., George L., born July 19, 1876; James R., born June 29, 1878, and Anita B., born August 5, 1883. Mr Bull is Democratic in his politics, but liberal in his views on all political questions. He is greatly nterested in, and always ready with time and means to advance, the prosperity and welfare of his section.

SOURCE:  Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.Transcribed by Carol Lackey- page 233-234


SANTA CLARA COUNTY-The Valley of Heart's Delight