The Valley of Heart's Delight

Ladies Tailoring


Among the men of foreign birth who have made the best of the opportunities, which they are unable to enjoy in their native land, and that are offered in California, is Gaston Bannet, the proprietor of a ladies tailoring extablishment, whose place of business is located at 37 South Second Street. He was the son of Joseph and Mary (Daynes) Bonnett, his father being an expert shoemaker who lived in different villages and towns in France where he followed his trade.

Gaston Bonnet received his education in the French grammar schools and latera school that is on a par with the course given in our high schools. At a very early age he took up tailoring as a trade, serving four years as an apprentice, after which he spent several years in Paris, and in 1904, coming to America, stayed in New York for several years. He returned to France in 1910 to claim his bride and again came to the United States, this time making his way direct to San Francisco, Cal., where he worked at his trade for nearly two years and in September, 1912, came to San Jose and opened up a tailoring shop, located in the Auzerais Building, until moving to 37 S. Second Street. Here he operates an exclusive ladies tailoring shop, always giving the best of service, making very chic garments, and the excellence of his workmanship has given him an established clientele among the best people of Santa Clara County.

Mr. Bonnett's marriage occurred in France in January, 1910, and united him with Miss Josephine Desaymox, who was also born in France in the vicinity of her husband's birthplace. She was the daughter of Everest and Sophie Desaymoz. Mr. and Mrs. Bonnet are the parents of a daughter, Genevieve. Mr. Bonnet has been established in San Jose for over ten years and thepeople of this community have come to know him as very reliabale and expert, so that he has built up an excellent business. In national politics, he is a stanch Republican and he is a member of the Merchant's Association.

Transcribed by Marie Clayton, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1691-1692