
A life of diligence and activity, is bringing a substantial measure of success to Frank Silveira Correa, who was born at Fayal, Azores Isles, February 19, 1881. His father, Antone S. Correa, also a native of the Azores, was a man of sterling worth to his community, and was extensively engaged in farming; his wife, Catherine Silveira, was born and reared in the same province. When but a lad of nine years, Frank left home and came to live with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Freitas, who resided on a ranch at Milpitas, Santa Clara County. The lad made the journey to California in 1890 and spent but six months in the public schools of Milpitas, then his uncle moved to Niles where he also attended school. When fourteen years of age he began the earning of a livelihood, being employed as a gang boy in the nursery fields of the California Nursery Company at Niles, the working day being eleven hours and twenty minutes a day.

Realizing the need of a better education, he continued his studies at night and enrolling as a student with the International Correspondence School of Scranton, Pa., he finished a course in higher mathematics in 1889. He continued with the California Nursery Company, working up in every department until he was in charge of the ornamental tree department, remaining with them for twenty-four years, making himself a valuable employe. He then became a stockholder in the Ruehl-Wheeler Nursery of San Jose, also purchasing a home there.

On September 11, 1907, Mr. Correa was united in marriage to Miss Mary Elizabeth Freitas, a native daughter of the Golden State. Mrs. Correa was born at Alvarado, Alameda County, Cal., July 9, 1886, and is the daughter of Joseph R. and Mary (Amaral) Freitas, who were pioneers of Alameda County. Two children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Correa; Arnold Ed., who died at the age of eight years; and Charles Frank, who attends St. Mary's school. In 1919, Mr. Correa moved to San Jose with his family, where he became superintendent of the Ruehl-Wheeler Nursery; however, he only remained with them one year, when he was offered the place of general manager at San Jose for the California Nursery Company, and on November 1, he assumed his duties. He still retains his interest in the Ruehl Wheeler Nursery, which he helped to organize.

Fraternally Mr. Correa is a Woodman of the World at Niles; also a member of the U. P. E. C. there. He rendered valuable service to the draft board of the U. S. Army and Navy during the World War and in every way supported all war measures, has proven himself a public-spirited citizen who has at heart the welfare of his community, county, state and nation.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1447


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight