Bio-Pen Pictures

resides a little west of the Los Gatos road, in the Hamilton District. He is the owner of a fine ranch of thirty-one acres, which he bought in June, 1881, it being at that time part of a grain farm. He established his residence on the property in October of the same year, erecting his buildings after taking possession. During the first year he planted nine acres, principally in prunes. His orchard now contains eleven and one-half acres, and the remainder of his farm is devoted to the raising of hay. In 1887 he sold $300 worth of prunes, a good showing for a young orchard, for that year, which was not considered a good one for prunes.

        Mr. Canright is a native of Ulster County, New York, where he was born on the twenty-fourth of January, 1829. His father, Solomon Canright, was a native of New York, and his mother, Pamelia (Pecor) Canright, of Vermont. His father died in Brookfield, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, and his mother now lives, at the advanced age of eight-three years, in the city of Waukesha, Wisconsin. Within a few years after the California gold fever broke out, Mr. Canright followed the multitude who had made the long journey in search of gold. Leaving New York city, he traveled by way of the Isthmus, and landed at San Francisco, on the fifth of February, 1854, having been two months on the way. He first made Prairie City, Sacramento County, his home, being engaged in placer mining there. Thence he removed to Downieville, Sierra County, where he worked at mining for thirteen years with varied success. In 1867 Mr. Canright quit the mines, and engaged in general farming in Solano County, where he remained until he removed to his present home, in 1881. On the fifth of October, 1862, he married Miss Mary E. Hatch, a native of Columbia County, New York. They have three children, namely: Eva Pamelia, William Edward, and John Franklin.

        In politics Mr. Canright is identified with the Republican party. As a horticulturist his success is assured, while he has won the esteem and respect of the members of the community in which he lives, by the strict honesty of all business transactions, as well as by the great kindness of heart and genial nature.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 565-566


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight