Bio- Sawyers
A rancher representing the industry of the Azores and the spirit of progress of the American, is Frank P. Alvernaz, who was born on the Island of Fayal on Christmas Day, 1873. and now lives comfortably on the McLaughlin Road near San Jose, the owner of seventy-three acres of constantly increasing value. His parents were Sego R. and Maria Madeline Alvernaz, also natives of Fayal, well-to-do dairy folk who enjoyed the esteem of their neighbors as stanch Christians who aided in the building up and directing of the local church. They had seven children, among whom Frank was the third in the order of birth, while two of the sons, Tony and Joseph P., are also American citizens, the former a well-to-do building contractor at Providence, R. I., the latter a wealthy rancher and orchardist of the Jackson district, in the Santa Clara Valley, although formerly of San Luis Obispo.

Following his brother, Tony, to the New World, Frank Alvernaz started from home when he was eighteen years of age, in 1891, and with ten dollars in his pocket he reached New Bedford, Mass., where he entered the employ of a dairy farmer, agreeing to work for five dollars and his keep a month.. By 1896 he had made enough headway to permit him to come to California; and setting out with a friend, he reached San Francisco in November of that year. He was eager to work and to save, and finding no employment open to him in the Bay City, he set out for San Luis Obispo County; and there, on a dairy ranch, he worked for eight years, milking and making butter.

Later, in partnership with his brother, Joseph P. Alvernaz, he acquired by purchase a half interest in 400 head of fine stock. E. B. Biaggini was the other partner and this venture proved the first important financial success in his career. To make possible a return trip to the Azores, however, his brother J. P. sold his interest in the business to Frank. He continued there six years and then sold out and farmed at Morrow. Meantime J. P. had returned from the Azores and the brothers bought a ranch on Coyote Creek, Santa Clara County. Prior to coming to Santa Clara County, Mr. Alvernaz was a leading figure in the Associated Milk Producers of San Francisco.

In 1918 Mr. Alvernaz moved to his ranch of seventy-three acres in the McKinley district in this county, and here he has improved the place with building and is raising alfalfa, apricots and prunes. At Cayucos, San Luis Obispo County, he had married Miss Roselene Gourat, a native of Fayal, and on taking up their residence here, they both affiliated themselves with the Church of the Five Wounds. Since then Mr. Alvernaz has done much toward the support of his church and the splendid work done in this parish by Father Ribiero, one of the fruits of his activity being the carload of livestock collected by his efforts. This donation was made by the Portuguese farmers throughout San Luis Obispo County. His ranch is devoted to alfalfa and oats and prunes. He is a member of the California Prune & Apricot Association, and is also a member of the U. P. E. G.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1444

One of the finest vineyards of its size in the Santa Clara Valley is that of Antone Alves at San Martin, where he maintains his own packing house, shipping his fancy fruit to all parts of the United States. A native son, Mr. Alves was born at Hayward, Alameda County, February 17, 1876, the youngest son of Manuel and Isabel (Nevis) Alves both natives of the Azores and now deceased. He entered the public schools at the age of six, but when he was twelve he started out in life for himself. entering the employ of J. C. Alves at Mountain View, working as an orchardist for three years. The following four years were spent as a teamster on the Delmas ranch and then as a driver in the livery barns at Mountain View. He gave up this work to become assistant clerk of the Mountain View Hotel, and also became the owner of five acres of land there, which he afterward disposed of.

In January. 1917. Mr. Alves came to San Martin. where he located on thirteen acres of land which had been considered almost a failure in producing crops, but by special work and study with Professor Boletta of the agricultural and viticultural department of the University of California, Mr. Alves and his wife have turned the ranch into a splendid paying proposition. Fancy Tokay and Black Emperor grapes of the finest stock are grown exclusively. and the reputation of the Alves vineyard has gone throughout the country. Mr. Alves has exhibited his fruit on a number of occasions and each time it has taken the blue ribbon.

Mr. Alves' marriage in 1907 united him with Mrs. Lela M. (Voorhees) Barnes, who was the mother of three children: Alice, the wife of William Boag of San Francisco, has one child; Vera, Mrs. Frank Gurries of Morgan Hill, has two children; Eva married A. Karner of Oakland, and they have three children. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Alves, Isabel and Arthur, both attending school. A Republican in politics, Mr. Alves has always taken an active interest in civic affairs, and while at Mountain View acted as deputy sheriff. Prominent in fraternal life, he is past president of Mountain View Parlor, .N. S. G. W., past chief ranger of Court Rose Hill, Foresters of America, past president U. P. E. C., and the first president of the I. D. E. S. of Mountain View.
From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1469


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight