The Valley of Heart's Delight


bio Sawyers

  For over a half century the Bohnett family has been continuously identified with the agricultural development of Santa Clara County and in this field of activity Floyd O. Bohnett is proving a worthy successor of his father, being recognized as one of the most progressive orchardists of this part of the state. He was born on the old home place on the Los Gatos and San Jose road, August 15, 1894, his parents being Joseph and Tamer (Barker) Bohnett, born in Michigan and California, respectively. In 1870 the father came to California from Michigan, purchasing a tract of 180 acres in Santa Clara County, which he farmed a few years and then sold and bought fifty acres on the Los Gatos Road; here he set out an orchard and after twenty-eight years sold it to his son Floyd O. He now lives retired in a bungalow on an acre of the ranch. He was very successful in his farming operations and in 1888 erected a beautiful home, in which our subject is now living. The mother passed away in September, 1920. They had eleven children, five girls and six boys, all living, and all but two of them in Santa Clara County.

  Floyd O., the eighth of the family, received a grammar and high school education and in 1911, when seventeen years of age, assumed the responsibility of the operation of the home ranch, which he has since successfully managed. In 1919 he purchased the orchard from his father and gives it close attention. He is deeply interested in all modern developments along horticultural lines and utilizes the most improved equipment, including an evaporating plant. He is thus independent ot the sun for drying purposes and through this process obtains the maximum of weight in the fruit. His time and attention are concentrated upon his chosen life work, to which he gives much thought and study, keeping abreast of the times in every way. Mr. Bohnett, his brother, L. D. Bohnett, and the inventor, H. E. Clauser, hold the patent right for the duplex interlocking building block, a new system of permanent construction of concrete buildings. They are incorporated as the Duplex Construction Equipment Company and manufacture the machines and molds for making the above concrete bricks and are now introducing it into the various parts of the United States. It is as substantial as brick or concrete buildings and at the same time competes with frame construction in prices. Mr. Bohnett individually has the Santa Clara County rights and has a plant for manufacturing the brick on his ranch. He believes in the cooperative marketing of fruit and is an enthusiastic member of the California Prune & Apricot Growers Association, the California Cooperative Canneries and the California Walnut Growers.

  Mr. Bohnett was united in marriage at San Jose with Miss Violet Morgan, born in this locality, and they reside in their large residence on the ranch, which has been, for many years, the home of the Bohnett family. They have two children, Joseph Jr., and Thomas Morgan. In his political views Mr. Bohnett is a Republican and he is now serving as school trustee of the Cambrian district, the school that his mother and all eleven children attended. He was made a Mason in Charity Lodge No. 362, F. & A. M. at Campbell, in which he is past master; he is a member of all the Scottish Rite bodies in San Jose and he is also a member of Islam Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., at San Francisco. His work sustains the enterprising spirit that has long been synonymous with the family name in Santa Clara County, for he has lived up to worthy standards, and his influence is always to be counted upon in the promotion of any measure looking to the improvement of the community in which he lives.

Transcribed by Joseph Kral, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922.
 page 1403 


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