
An enterprising, successful business man, whose wide experience is evidenced in this happy anticipation of the public's wants, is Harry H. Fitch, the president and manager of the San Jose Auto Supply Company, located at 248 North First Street, San Jose, 1865, the son of Horace W. and Emily (Nason) Fitch; but his parents died when he was a mere baby.   When seventeen years of age, he migrated to Minnesota, and for six years labored hard there on a wheat farm; and then went to Montana and for ten years was manager of a cattle ranch.  From the spring of 1898 to the fall of 1908 he was in Alaska, going in over the Valdez glacier at the head of Prince William's Sound, traveling on foot and by raft 450 miles to Dawson.  He prospected and mined on Forty-Mile and located a claim; later mined at the head of the Chitina River and remained there for several years , meeting with success in gold and copper mining, particularly the latter.  He was one of the original locators of the Kennicott mines at the head of the Kennicott River, now owned by bye Gugenheims.  In 1908 he disposed of his holdings and came to San Francisco, after spending ten years in the frozen north.  As early as 1900 he located his family in San Jose, and made ten rough trips between San Jose and Alaska.  Following his location in San Jose, he became associated with the Osen Auto Company, and in February, 1912, he organized the San Jose Auto Supply Company and established it at 248 North First Street.  From a small beginning the business has grown until it is now the largest establishment of its kind in the county.  In 1919, Mr. Fitch purchased the Campbell-Collins Company, wholesale auto accessories and appliances and moved it to 248 South First Street, and it is now the wholesale department of the Auto  Supply Company.  Mr. Fitch is the president of the Auto Supply Company, manager of the Campbell-Collins Company, and secretary-treasurer of the Osen Motor Sales Company.  He belongs to the Chamber of Commerce, the Merchants Association and the One Hundred Per Cent Club, and there is no more welcome member of those flourishing organizations.
At Detroit City, Minn., on June 25, 1889, Mr. Fitch was married to Miss Rose L. Blanchard, a native of Wisconsin, and their union has been blessed with one daughter, Margaret, a graduate of Stanford University.  Mr. Fitch was made a Mason in Cascade Lodge No. 28, A. F. & A. M., in Great Falls, Mont., and is now a  member of Fraternity Lodge No. 399, F. & A. M., in San Jose, and of Howard Chapter No. 14, R. A. M., San Jose Commandery No. 10, K.T., San Jose Pyramid No. 9, Sciots and Aahmes Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., of Oakland, and of the San Jose Lodge of Elks.  Locally he is active in the Santa Clara Auto Trades Association and was its president for the first three years of its existence and is still a director; and is also a member of the State Automobile Association.  Mrs. Fitch is an active member of the Eastern Star and order of Amaranth, and the White Shrine, and is prominent in civic and social circles.  In national politics Mr. Fitch votes with the Republicans, and during  the recent war he was on all the Liberty and Red Cross Drives.

transcribed by C feroben from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page  1321