

One of San Jose's progressive young business men is Fred G. Musso, who was born in Italy, January 14, 1888, the son of Eugene and Mary Musso, both natives of Italy; the latter with their family came to San Jose in 1892 to join the father who . had preceded them by two years. Both parents are still residing in San Jose.

F. G. Musso was educated in the grammar and high schools of San Jose, later attending St. Joseph's College. He also attended night school in order to acquire a speaking knowledge of the English language. His first position was as an apprentice with a drug company and at the end of three years. he took the examination for assistant pharmacist; later taking a correspondence course and successfully passed all examinations, and at the end of five years became a registered pharmacist and for fourteen years was engaged in his chosen profession.

Desiring to own a business for himself, Mr. Musso established what is known as the Musso Outing Equipment Company, with. an attractive store and factory at 190-192 West Santa Clara Street, where he manufactures the famous Musso "Auto-HomeCamp-Bed." The products of his factory are so popular that he ships to all parts of the United States; to the South Sea Islands; the Hawaiian Islands; the Samoa Islands; but his greatest field is in this state and the adjoining states of Utah and Nevada. This "camp-bed" is moderate in price, comfortable to sleep upon, and the pleasure of a camping trip is enhanced by the comforts it affords. and it is winning prosperity for its maker. He already has one patent and something like fourteen claims, with others pending. He opened his business in a very modest way, working principally among his friends, but the business has so increased. that it has become necessary to seek larger quarters. His present payroll consists of fifteen men and fifteen women constantly engaged in the manufacture of camp equipment.

The marriage of Mr. Musso united him with Miss Edith Starkey and to them has been born one son, Frederick Warren. He casts his vote with the Republican party, and fraternally he is a member of the Independent Order of Foresters; he is also a member of the Drug Clerks' Association and the One Hundred Percent Club of San Jose. He adheres to the teachings of the Catholic Church. He is a great lover of outdoor life and finds time to take his family on hunting and fishing trips. He believes there is a great future for Santa Clara County. and is an enthusiastic supporter of all movements for the betterment of the beautiful Garden City.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1129


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight