
FIACRO JULIAN FISHER.—The Fisher family have been identified with the Santa Clara Valley since early pioneer days, and Fiacro Julian Fisher was born October 4, 1891, in the beautiful modern residence his father had erected on the exact location of the adobe house which his grandfather put up in the pioneer days of the state. The father, Fiacro C. Fisher, was born upon the farm in Burnett township, Santa Clara County, August 30, 1850, the youngest son of William and Liberata (Cesena) Fisher, early settlers of California. The paternal grandfather was of English birth and a seafaring man by occupation. He came to the United States in young manhood, and in 1830 left his first location in Massachusetts for California, making the voyage as mate of a vessel. He located at San Jose, in Lower California, and owned a vessel which he navigated upon the Gulf of California. In April, 1842, he came to this state and bought the ranch known then as the Laguna Seca Grant, and four years later brought his family to Monterey. Upon this property he engaged in cattle and stockraising until his death, which occurred in 1850, at the age of forty years. The maternal grandmother, Liberata Cesena, was a native of Mexico and survived her husband many years. They were the parents of four sons and two daughters: Thomas N. and Cypriano, twins; William, deceased; Fiacro, Mary, the wife of Murphy Columbet, and Eulogia.

Fiacro C. Fisher received his preliminary education in the public schools of Santa Clara County, after which he entered and attended Santa Clara College for two years, as well as the high school of San Jose for awhile. He left school quite early to take up his chosen occupation, and that to which he had early been trained, being foreman for Dan Murphy until 1872. He then engaged in ranching for himself on the old homestead, giving considerable attention to stockraising. In 1877 he went to Nevada to take charge of the ranches of Mr. Murphy and Mr. Hill, remaining in their employ as general manager until 1894. Since that time he turned his entire attention to the cultivation and improvement of his own property, which consisted of 300 acres located on the Monterey and Coyote roads, and 1,000 acres in valley land. In 1872, in San Jose, Mr. Fisher was married to Gertrude Hanks. a native of California and daughter of Wm. Hanks, better known as Julian Hanks. The latter was born in Massachusetts, but migrated to Lower California, where he was interested in a vessel. In 1846 he came to California with the elder Fisher, and in San Jose conducted a grist mill, operating the same until 1866, when he traded it for property in Sonora, Mexico. He made his home in Lower California until his death. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher were the parents of six children: Laura, the wife of William Straub; Chester F., Neva, Gertrude, George, and Fiacro Julian. Both parents have passed away.

Fiacro Julian began his education in the public schools of San Jose, and then entered Santa Clara College, continuing his studies for two years, then finished his education in the San Jose high school. He then settled on the old home place at Coyote, engaging in farming, and in 1917 purchased an orchard of twenty acres at Cupertino, and selling it in 1919 he bought his present orchard of twenty-two and a half acres on the Casey Road, which he devotes to raising prunes, being a member of the California Prune and Apricot Growers, Inc. In September, 1917, Mr. Fisher entered the United States Army, being stationed at Camp Lewis until sent overseas with his regiment, the Three Hundred Forty-seventh United States Field Artillery, landing at Cherbourg, France, and training at Bordeaux until sent to Verdun sector. After the armistice, was with the Army of Occupation near Coblenz, until he came home in May, 1919. He was mustered out at the Presidio the same month and came home to his Cupertino ranch, which his wife had managed while he was overseas.

The marriage of Mr. Fisher united him with Miss Teresa Fahey, a native daughter of California, born near Wright Station, and they are the parents of one son, William Stanton.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. 721