
A thoroughly enterprising and successful business man of Saratoga. who considers it an honor to have been born in this beautiful county, is Forrest D. Sanders, who first saw the light in Los Gatos, March 13, 1878. He is the son of C. W. and Hannah (Showers) Sanders, who came to Los Gatos about 1874. The father is a New Yorker by birth and the mother a native of Missouri. In the pioneer days, the father was an assayer at Virginia City, Nev.. and has followed the occupation of mining ever since coming to California and is still in the mines near Angels Camp. The mother is deceased.

 The eldest of three children, Forrest attended school in Los Gatos until the family removed to St. Louis, Mo., when he was nine years old, when he went to school there. His career was varied by different occupations, first as a newsboy, then as elevator boy at Nugent's Dry Goods Store in St. Louis, and then he embarked in business for himself, owning a second hand store and a wood and coal yard in St. Louis. He was eighteen years old when he returned to Los Gatos in 1896, and for a time worked in a cannery, then for two years he worked in the mines. Not being satisfied with mining as a permanent occupation, he assumed the management of the orchard owned by Rev. E. S. Williams; later he purchased a small ranch of his own and in the meantime took up contracting and carpentry and thus went into the lumber business. Owing to the great demand, he first began the manufacture of fruit trays, but gradually enlarged his business and was so progressive and aggressive that he very soon absorbed the Adams Lumber Company, thus practically controlling the lumber business in the vicinity of Saratoga.

On March 15, 1899, Mr. Sanders was united in marriage with Miss Alice Maud Gardner, of Saratoga, a daughter of a worthy pioneer family, her father being Daniel F. Gardner, a pioneer horticulturist who came to California across the plains in 1850, while her mother, Sarah (Kenyon) Gardner, crossed the plains in 1849 with her father, James Kenyon, the pioneer of Homestead Road. They are the parents of two children, David F., who is associated with his father in the lumber business, and John F.

Mr. Sanders has been a life-long stand-pat Republican, and for six years he has served as school trustee. Mr. Sanders united with the Centenary Methodist Church in St. Louis in 1894, and soon after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Sanders became members of the Congregational Church in Saratoga in which they have taken an active part, contributing liberally to its benevolences, Mrs. Sanders taking an active part in the ladies' societies of the church. Since the Christian Church federated with the Congregational, they are now members of the Federated Church and continue their activity. Mr. Sanders has been active as president of the Christian Endeavor. Mrs. Sanders is a cultured woman and as such exerts her influence for good in the community. She is prominent in civic and social circles, being a member of the Foothill Study Club and the Parent-Teachers' Association.

Mr. Sanders is a man of pleasing personality which,. coupled with much native business ability, speaks for his success. He has the interests of the commutity much at heart and is active in all movements that have for their aim the improvement of the town and betterment of the people. He is a member of the Commercial Club and the Men's Club and it was this latter organization that made the local Boy Scouts a possibility and success. He joined the True Fellowship Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., Santa Clara, and later demitting. became a charter member of Saratoga Lodge No. 428, I. 0. 0. F., of which he is a past grand. He is also a member of Encampment No. 77. San Jose. and with his wife is a member of Saratoga Rebekah Lodge No. 337, in which Mrs. Sanders served two terms as noble grand. Mr. Sanders is also a member of the Foresters of America and the Modern Woodmen. He has been an active member of the Saratoga Improvement Association since its organization in 1900 and since 1921 has been the president of the Association

from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 662


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight