Wood & Brown

 Bio-Pen Pictures

        In the list of prominent citizens of San Jose is found the name of Mr. Frederick Brown, a member of the firm of Wood & Brown, commission merchants, grain and fruit-buyers and warehousemen, Nos. 145-159 North Market Street. He has now been identified with the active business interests of San Jose for two years, and a resident here for five years. Born in Lafayette County, Wisconsin, in 1851, his parents removed in 1853 to California, crossing the plains in ox wagons and arriving at Placerville in the fall of that year. His parents are Adam and Letitia (McLean) Brown, his father being a native of England and his mother of Ireland. They settled in Placer County, where his father followed mining until 1871. He then removed to Monterey County, and engaged in farming, an occupation he continued until he retired from active work about five years ago. The family now reside in a lovely home situated on the Alameda near the Hester School.

        Mr. Frederick Brown, the subject of this sketch, attended school in Placer County, up to the age of seventeen years, when he went to Brighton Academy, at Oakland. There he remained nine months, later attending for one year the City College in San Francisco, finally graduating at Heald's Business College in 1871. From this time until 1882 he managed his father's farm in Monterey, when, his father selling the farm, the family removed to San Jose, where they purchased their present residence on the Alameda.

        The firm of Wood & Brown have built up a very large business since they set out in 1886, and it is steadily growing and expanding. They deal wholesale and retail in flour, wheat, barley, ground feed, potatoes, onions, beans, etc., as well as in California dried fruits and nuts. They have lately been forced by increasing business to move into their present quarters, which extend through from Market to San Pedro Streets, and where they are situated to meet fully the requirements of their trade. They have also a feed mill on the Alameda, have leased the Narrow Gauge Railroad Warehouses, and own one at the Broad Gauge depot, running them in connection with their business. The aggregate capacity of these warehouses is 8,000 tons. They are also agents for Sperry & Co.'s flour mills at Stockton, and are doing good work in opposing the efforts of the flour ring of this county to increase the price of that necessary. Their business is conducted upon true American principles, and its success is deserved.

        There have been three children born to Adam and Letitia Brown: Frederick, Lillie, and William S. The latter died in 1880. The two former still live with their parents at their home in San Jose.
Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 591


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight