The Oyster Loaf Restaurant

BIO- Sawyers


Among the rising young men of San Jose,  who have accomplished much, although young in years, is Frank N. Arnerich, who started in the restaurant business when only a lad of seventten and now owns a place of business under the name of The Oyster Loaf Restaurant.  He was born in Jugo-Slavia, on June 11, 1888, and was the son of *Nicolas and Antoinette (Chargin) Arnerich.   His father came to California in the year 1875 and settled in Amador county, engaging as a miner.  He made three trips back to the old country, and in the year 1916 he passed away at his old home, the mother surviving  until 1918.  He came to Amador County in 1900, joining his brother, and there attended the public schools in San Francisco.  Having learned the business of restaurateur in San Francisco and in San Jose, at the early age of seventeen  he engaged in this line in San Jose in the year of 1905, and has continued here ever since.  He engaged in business for himself and with his experience in this line, he has built up a good trade, and he has since been very successful; his up-to-date restaurant, The Oyster Loaf, being both popular among San Jose’s residents and increasingly profitable for himself.  

Mr. Arnerich’s marriage united him with Miss Lucy Chargin, who was also a native Jugo-Slavia, and a sister of Joseph, Jerry and Nicolas Chargin.  They are the parents of three children- Antionette Frances, Lawrence Nicholas and Beverly Lucile- and the family reside at 137 North Sixth Street.  Mr Arnerich is a member of the Order of Red Men, and of the Slavonic-American Society of San Jose and is past officer in both orders.  He is a member of the chamber of Commerce, Elks and is a charter member of the Commercial Club.  In national politics he is a stanch Republican.

Transcribed by Carolyn Feroben, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1311



A man of especial gifts who easily impresses others with both his natural ability and his acquirements through experience is Paul J Arnerich, a native son , having been born near San Jose on September 23, 1869. His father was Mathew Arnerich, and he had married Mrs. Elizabeth (Brown) Moylan, the widow of Edward Moylan. When fourteen years of age, Mathew Arnerich shipped as a sailor, and in the historic year of '49 he voyaged from China to San Francisco. Three years later, he removed to Santa Clara Valley and here engaged in a griculture. In 1856 he married, and purchased 160 acres in the Union district. He died on May 3, 1883, from injuries received in a fall from a buggy. Mrs. Arnerich also came from an old pioneer family; she died here about 1910.

As kind parents this worthy couple provided the best training fro Paul in the public schools, and when he ahd finished with his studies, he worked with his father on the home farm until he was twenty-one. Then, for several yes, he farmed for himself, and in 1905 he ran for the State Legislature, in which he served a term. He was then appointed to the United States Marshall's office as deputy marshal and discharged that responsibility for ten years; and having resigned, he ran for the Legislature, was elected in 1915, and in 1917 he was reelected. Next he was a deputy sheriff in Almaeda County for a couple of years, and finally was engaged in the real estate business for a number of years until he became a deputy sheriff, serving under Sheriff Lyle of Santa Clara County.

At San Jose, on February 21, 1898, Mr. Arnerich was married to Miss Eva La Montagne, a native of Santa Clara County and the representative of another pioneer family; and four childred have blessed their union. They are Bernice, Francis, Genevieve and Elizabeth. Mr. Arnerich belongs to the Republican party, and when he gets tired of politicss he turns for recreation to hunting and other oudoor sports.

Transcribed by Carolyn Feroben, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 608