Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Mountain View, California

The thriving Mountain View has been fortunate in the  part played by the far-sighted and experienced bankers in her agricultural and commercial development through which she has come to take a place of influence, and prominence among the agencies which have made for the greatest progress must be mentioned the Farmers and Merchantes National Bank, the leading banking institution of Mountain View.  Its success is due, in great measure, to the fact that it possesses every banking facility and meets every local requirement, and its increased working capital, together with added modern conveniences, which have added greatly to the convenience and general satisfaction of the patrons, has widened its territory, added to the number of its patrons and enabled it to do business on a broader and more liberal basis.  Much of the improvement and growth is due to the personal attention to every detail, and the hard, conscientious work by Wilbur L. Camp, the fist cashier of the institution and now serving as the capable and efficent president.
In 1905 J. S. Mockbee together with Wilbur L. Camp and a few other men-men of vision and faith who expand communites and develop commonwealths-seeing the necessity of banking institution, established the Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Mountain View.  It was duly incorporated under the laws of the State of California, capitalized at $50,000, $25,000 of which was paid up at the time of organizations, and a beautiful, and commodious bank building was erected at 200 Castro Street.  In 1898 the Bank of Mountain View had been organized and in 1909 it was absorbed by the Farmers and Merchants National Bank. In 1918, Mr. Mockbee resigned as president of the bank, owing to impaired eyesight, and Wilbur L. Camp was elected to fill the postion and has associated with him vice-presidents J S Mockbee and M. Farrell; O. W. Whaley, cashier; P C Whaley and W A Griffin, assistant cashiers, and a board of directors composed of himself, George Swall, H. A. Rengstorff, J. S. Mockbee, O. W. Butz, George Jagels, M. Farrell, O. W. Whaley and A. M. Crittenden.  Its present paid-up capital is $100,000 with a surplus of $20,000, and total resources of over $1,000,000.  The bank has a fire, burglar-proof vault, with safe deposit accommodations and ample rooms for the convenience of its patrons, with commodious offices for its officers, its general equipment being the equal of any institution of its size in the country.  It is no wonder that the Farmers and Merchants National Bank enjoys the entire confidence of the people of this section, for it has become a member of the great Federal Reserve system, and as such is sure to provide the best of banking conditions through good times and bad.
The high standing of each of the officers of the Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Mountain View, their well-known personal character, their experience and ability, and the reasonable conservatism thus far demonstrated in the progressive programs of  the institution, give a double assurance to patrons and public alike as to the present healthy state of the bank. Mountain View is justly proud of this institution and the bank looks proudly to ward the city of Mountain View of tomorrow.

from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922.
page  843