
 Bio-Pen Pictures

was born in Missisquoi County, Province of Quebec, Canada, December 28, 1834. His father, Stephen P. Darling, was a native of Vermont; his mother, Mary (Cleveland) Darling, was born in Connecticut, and was the daughter of Charles Cleveland, a soldier of the Revolution, and a descendant of Moses Cleveland, who emigrated from England in 1610, and settled near Woburn, Massachusetts. Mr. Darling's father was engaged in mercantile pursuits, and he was brought up to this calling until the age of eighteen years; he then engaged in the manufacture of whalebone, learning his trade in Boston, Massachusetts. He followed this occupation until 1859, when he came to California, and after a year spent in Sierra County, engaged in extensive stock-raising in Tehama County. This calling occupied his attention until 1867, in which year he came to Santa Clara County and purchased 600 acres of land near Gilroy. There he was engaged in farming, stock-growing, and dairy business for about a year. He then removed to Milpitas, and entered into the mercantile business with Calvin Valpey, Jr., and continued there until 1879.        

        In 1875 Mr. Darling erected the Milpitas grain warehouses; he also took the agency of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, and Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express, in 1871, and has conducted the business of these companies in Milpitas since that date. In 1884 his warehouses were burned. The fire was caused by an incendiary, and in rebuilding Mr. Darling provided against further vandalism of that character by erecting fire-proof buildings. His present warehouses are entirely roofed and cased with corrugated iron, and are the first warehouses of this character built in the State. His grain warehouse has a storage capacity for 4,000 tons, while the warehouse devoted to hay will store 1,500 tons. He is quite extensively engaged in the wholesale hay and grain trade, and is also the owner of 100 acres of productive land situated just east of Milpitas, upon which he is raising grain.

        In 1855 he married Miss Abbie Churchill, the daughter of Deacon Nathaniel and Abbie (Valpey) Churchill, residents of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, but citizens of the United States. From this marriage there has been one son born, who died in infancy. Mr. Darling's extensive business operations have made him well known throughout the section in which he resides, and he has been closely identified with all measures tending to advance the interests of Milpitas. He is a Justice of the Peace of his township; is a prominent member of the Baptist Church, and politically is a strong and consistent Republican.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 583-584


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight