A good example of what energy and resourcefulness can accomplish, when wisely directed and centralized, is furnished in the career of Edward Bruce Stone, who was born in Denver, Colo., February 8, 1882, the son of Thomas and Mary A. (Ward) Stone, both natives of England, but were married in the United States. The father, who was a butcher, came to San Jose with his family in 1887 and bought a ranch several years later in the San Thomas district where he resided for some time. and having been very successful, he has retired and is now residing in San Jose. He and his wife were the parents of three children: William T., of San Jose; Charles A., of Palo Alto; Edward Bruce, the subject of this sketch.

Edward B. Stone received his education in the public schools of San Jose and in San Tomas district. When seventeen years old he entered the employ of the Southern Pacific Railway Company as telegrapher on the Coast Lines and worked in this line of business for seven years. His marriage, which occurred at Los Gatos on September 29, 1903, united him with Miss Emma C. Jarvis, who was born in Newark. Alameda County, Cal., the daughter of Francis Carr and Emma 0. (Reader) Jarvis. Mr. Jarvis was born in Ellsworth, Maine, and his wife was a native of Indiana. Her father crossed the plains in 1850 to California, while her mother came with Grandmother Todd to Alameda, and they were married in Centerville. Mr. and Mrs. Stone are the parents of one child, Edward Bruce, Jr.

Mr. Stone is now engaged in ranching and is confining his efforts to the raising of prunes, his trees having been planted about twenty-five years ago. His forty acre orchard is located on Phelps Avenue. five miles south of San Jose and is bringing its owner a splendid income. Mr. Stone is a stanch adherent of the Republican party. He is a member of the Christian Science Church of Los Gatos, where he served a term as first reader, and he is also a member of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass.

Mr. Stone is an energetic and tireless worker and keeps his orchard in a high state of cultivation and efficiency. He has a pumping plant with a capacity of 600 gallons. a minute, ample not only for his own but also for the neighbors' orchards. In 1921 he built a modern bungalow residence, equipped with electric cooking facilities. The grounds are artistically laid out and well kept and the farm buildings, as well as the grounds, are lighted by electricity, and he has electrically driven machinery, thus making it one of the most complete in equipment of any ranch in the county. A magnificent Sequoia Gigantic on his grounds is one of the finest specimens of its kind in the valley, having been planted about fifty years ago by the Phelps family, who were large cattlemen here.
From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. 725