First National Bank of Gilroy

An able financier and a man of excellent judgment, Ed. R. Green has firmly established himself as a leader in the progressive community of Gilroy since coming here in 1912 as the cashier and one of the organizers of the First National Bank of Gilroy: Mr. Green was born at Malden, Bureau County, Ill., on October 20, 1874, the son of Timothy F. Green, a prominent farmer who pioneered in Illinois. Kansas, and Nebraska. In 1880, the family removed from Illinois to Horton, Kans., and there Ed. R. Green finished his education. In 1890, they took up their residence at Audubon, Iowa, where he accepted his first position as clerk and delivery boy with a general merchandise store, which he filled to the satisfaction of his employer.

The year 1897 marked Mr. Green's entrance into the banking business, when he became associated with a private banking house at Dow City, Iowa, and he soon rose to the position of cashier, continuing there until 1901. He then removed to Overton, Nebr., where he assisted in organizing the Alfalfa State Bank of which he became cashier. Later Mr. Green became affiliated with such men as A. U. Dann, W. T. Auld and N. J. Paul, among the most successful bankers of Nebraska, in the purchase of the Alfalfa State Bank and the organization of the First National Bank of Overton, Mr. Green becoming cashier. This association was of much value to Mr. Green, in the broadening understanding and conception of the world of finance. He remained at Overton until the fall of 1911, when he came to Gilroy, Cal., through the solicitation of J. S. Adair.

In April, 1912, the First National Bank of Gilroy opened its doors, with Mr. Green as cashier, and having a capital stock of $25,000. By 1915 so successful had the organization become that it was necessary to increase the capital stock to $75,000, the officers at this time being H. S. Hersman, president; C. C. Lester, vice-president; E. R. Green, cashier; in the following twenty-eight months the business showed an increase of 578 per cent. The building which houses this successful banking house was designed by William Binder of San Jose and was erected by William Radtke, at a cost of $40,000, a $15.000 addition being erected early in 1920 to accommodate its growth. In 1918 a merger was consummated with the Garden City Bank & Trust Company of San Jose by which the Gilroy Bank became a branch of the parent bank, a move that was productive of much increased business, the deposits growing from a half million to over a million dollars in a few months. The advisory board consists of E. R. Green, chairman; H. C. Hagen, Welburn Maycock, A. W. Brown, Cecil Carlyle and A. W. Chesbro, Mr. Green being manager of the bank and responsible for the direction of its financial policy.

At Denison, Iowa, Mr. Green was married to Miss Emma Downes, the daughter of Mrs. Lucy Downes, who passed away at Gilroy in September, 1920. A capable, talented woman, Mrs. Green has taken an active interest in the social and civic life of Gilroy and served as treasurer of the Woman's Civic Club soon after it was founded and is a member of the P. E. 0. Society. Prominent in Masonic circles, Mr. Green is a member of Keith Lodge No. 187 of Gilroy, and Howard Chapter, R. A. M., and of San Jose Commandery K. T. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church at Gilroy. A leader in all community enterprises, he gives his support to the Republican party in political affairs.

From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1152


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight