Bio-Pen Pictures

            Elijah Price, of San Jose Township, is a native of Staffordshire, England, born in 1818, his parents being Isaac and Mary Price.  When he was in his fifth year, the family emigrated to America, locating in Southern Illinois.  There the father died, and the family removed to Cincinnati, where the subject of this sketch was principally reared.  Thence they removed to Franklin County, Indiana, and from there to Shelby County, same State, and then to Hamilton, also in that State.  Here Mr. Price resided until October 18, 1883, when he removed to California and located in Santa Clara County.  He has a fine place of thirty acres on Stone Avenue, near San Jose, which he had purchased before moving here, February 24, 1883, from Mr. Williams, executor of the Stone estate.  Previous to that date it had been devoted to agriculture alone, but in March, 1883, Mr. Price set out over 800 apricot and prune trees, and has since planted 600 more trees—apricots, prunes, and peaches.  He also has an acre of table grapes.  Besides this estate Mr. Price has also a residence and business property in San Francisco, which are valuable on account of being desirably situated. 

            In earlier life Mr. Price was for many years one of the lights of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Illinois, having been ordained in its ministry at Springfield, in 1850, by Bishop Scott; but in 1873 he associated himself with the United Brethren Church, and came to the coast with a transfer from the Lower Wabash Conference of that denomination, which he still holds, as there is no regular congregation of his church nearer than Sacramento.  In his political views he is a Republican.

            Mr. Price was married in Hamilton, Indiana, to Miss Barbara Daubenspeck, a native of Fayette County, that State.  Their two eldest children, W. A. and Isaac N., volunteered in defense of the Union during the last year, and died in the service.  There are still eleven children living, namely:  John W., who resides in Wyoming Territory; James P., who is living in Douglas County, Illinois; Mary Shrader, living in Shelby County, Illinois; Sarah A. Shrader, who resides in Wichita, Kansas; W. N., L. C., and Charles E., residing in Douglas County, Illinois; Candace Nixon, in Montgomery City, Missouri; Alice Reed, in Douglas County, Illinois; and M. E. and M. C., in Santa Clara County, California.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 327
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
Proofread by Betty Vickroy


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight