The Valley of Heart's Delight



A successful, experienced baker whose unremitting industry has enabled him to establish himself, with equal prosperity in other fields is Evasio Portalupi, who was born in Torino, Italy, on June 8, 1885, the son of Joseph Portalupi, a building contractor, who had married Miss Adelaide Rigolone. Mrs. Portalupi died at the birth of her son; and his father passed away when our subject was eighteen years old. Evasio was sent to the grammar schools, and then, to complete his higher education, he attended the College at Torino.  

   Joseph Portalupi had long had an intimate friend, a building contractor in San Francisco, and his letters to the old Italian home district led to Evasio's crossing the briny deep himself. A serious disappointment, however, awaited him in San Francisco: arriving in this far-off city on November 25, 1906, he found that the friend in question had been taken ill and therefore could not continue to do contract work; and consequently the young man was thrown upon his own resources, and had to accept day labor. He worked for a short time with a pick and shovel, and then accepted a position with the United Railway Company of San Francisco. He worked there for four months,  and then was in the service of the St. Francis Hotel for two years. 

   About that time Mr. Portalupi bought out the Telegraph Hill Grocery at the corner of Grand and Greenwich streets, and for eight years he managed that enterprise so well that it steadily grew, and became a profitable investment. On April 13, 1916, he sold out and removed to San Jose, and here he entered the bakery field, and with the aid of his accomplished and faithful wife, established the New Style French Bakery. This fine business they sold out in 1919, giving way to Petrino & Ferrarris, and then Mr. Portalupi started the Italian Grocery at 130 West Santa Clara Street, a thriving business since moved to the corner of First and St. John streets. He then began to invest in real estate, and he is today an active operator in that important field. When Mr. Portalupi was managing the bakery business now conducted by his brother-in-law, Mr. Petrino, he so developed it that he had wholesale wagons running throughout San Jose and vicinity, while he was shipping bread to such points as Gilroy and Milpitas, and for three years supplying the county hospital and almshouse.

   At San Jose, on April 13, 1916, Mr. Portalupi was married to Miss Mary Petrino, a native of Montiglio, in the Province of Alexandria, Italy, and the daughter of Evasio and Tersilla Petrino. Her father was a successful commission merchant, and she had the advantages of a good home. In 1908 she came to San Francisco and in 1910 to San Jose. One child, a son named Henry, has blessed the union. Mr. Portalupi is a Republican, and a member of the Masons, as well as the Maccabees and the Red Men, of San Jose, and he has been an active officer in all of the lodges.

Transcribed by Joseph Kral, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. ppage 1229