

            Mrs. Elizabeth O’Toole has a ranch of 311 acres, on which is situated a large and commodious residence about two miles northeast from Gilroy.  She also has the management of another place, of 800 acres, formerly having about 2,000 acres.  On her place is a vineyard of forty acres from four to seventeen years old, all in good bearing, principally wine grapes, and in 1887 she made about 12,000 gallons of wine.

            Mr. Lawrence O’Toole (deceased), who resided in Santa Clara County a great many years, was a native of County Wexford, Ireland, where he was born November 2, 1822.  His parents were John and Mary (Farrell) O’Toole, who emigrated to Canada in 1833, and located near Quebec, where Lawrence was reared.  He came to California with a brother and brother-in-law, by way of Nicaragua, and located in Gilroy.  He went to the mines in Calaveras County, and was successful in his mining operations during the two years he was located there.  He then came to Santa Clara County again, and settled on the ranch where his family now reside.  He managed the Bryan Murphy estate for a number of years with great business tact.  He resided here until his death, April 4, 1887.  Mr. O’Toole was one of the first members of the Catholic Church of Gilroy, and was always one of its principal benefactors.  He contributed largely to the building of the Convent at Gilroy, and was a very charitable man throughout his entire life, and no deserving person ever appealed to him in vain.

            He was married, January 31, 1869, to Mrs. [Miss] Elizabeth McAllister, a native of County Antrim, Ireland, daughter of John and Sarah (McCauley) McAllister.  She was reared there, and when nineteen years old came to America to join her sisters who had preceded her a few years.  They had one child, Mamie, who received her education in the Convents of Gilroy and San Jose, and is a cultured artist and musician.  Mrs. O’Toole has exhibited wonderful ability in grasping the situation since the management of the affairs of the farm fell upon her after her husband’s death.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 345-346
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
Proofread by Betty Vickroy


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight