The Valley of Heart's Delight

Laurel Wood Farm

BIO Pen-Pictures,

EDWARD N. PARR is a native of Santa Clara County and a descendant of one of California's earliest pioneers. He was born on the Laurel Wood Farm, near Santa Clara, March 27, 1852, being the son of Jonathan and Eliza (Lowe) Parr, natives of England, who emigrated to the United States and settled in Lee County, Iowa. In 1846 his parents came across the plains to California, and located in Santa Clara County, taking up their residence at the place of his birth. In 1856 his father purchased a large tract of land on the Los Gatos Creek, about six miles south of Santa Clara, in Redwood Township, and there resided until his death, which occurred September 11, 1867. Mr. Parr's mother died August 6, 1866. His youth and early manhood were spent on his father's farm, where he became inured to the toil and life of a stockman as well as a farmer. For his education he was dependent upon the district schools. His father dying when he was less than sixteen years of age, threw additional care upon himself and brothers, which prevented the consummation of such educational designs as had been contemplated. After the death of his father he received his potion of the landed estate, amounting to four hundred and forty-four acres.

September 11, 1872, Mr. Parr married Miss Virginia Johnson, who was born in San Jose, January 9, 1853. She was the daughter of Archibald and Mary (Little) Johnson, who were natives of Virginia, and among the California pioneers of '49, locating in Santa Clara County in 1852. From the date of Mr. Parr's taking possession of his portion of the estate of his father, until 1887, he was engaged in conducting his extensive farm operations and stock-raising. During this time his lands had given him an abundant yield and increased in value. In the latter year he sold three hundred and fifteen acres, retaining one hundred and twenty-five acres of the northern portion of the old homestead, after which he purchased fifteen acres of land on the Santa Clara and Santa Cruz road, about five miles south of Santa Clara, and connection by private roadway with his farm lands. This he has planted in orchard, principally with French prunes and apricots, but has also a full variety of fruit for family use. He has erected at this place a substantial and well-ordered residence of modern architectural design, which presents an attractive appearance.

Mr. Parr is well known throughout his section of the county. He is an intelligent, energetic, and public-spirited citizen, one who gains and holds the respect of the community in which he resides. He is a consistent member of the Methodist Church, South. He is associated with the Ancient Order of United Workmen, being a member of Los Gatos Lodge, No. 76. He is also a member of Ridgely Lodge, No. 294, I. O. O. F., of Los Gatos. In politics Mr. Parr is Democratic, but is conservative in his views. He has served as School Trustee in the Cambrian School District for six years. From the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Parr there are four children, viz.: Edward Lester, born August 25, 1873; Edna Lulu, December 25, 1877; Charles Earl, December 5, 1879; and Hazel Virginia, January 9, 1883.

SOURCE:  Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.Transcribed by Carol Lackey- 249-250

Sister of Edward Parr - marries John W Walker

Santa Clara Historical Biographies
Santa Clara County History The Valley of Heart's Delight