Bio-Pen Pictures

was born in Dorsetshire, England, July 11, 1812. His parents, Jeremiah and Ann (Kimber) Myall, were natives of England. At the age of ten years he was put to work at the calling of his father, shoemaking, and was thus deprived of nearly all schooling facilities. He continued at this trade until 1830, when he came to the United States. Landing in New York, he was engaged at his trade until 1838, when he returned to England, and while there married Miss Rachel Lawrence, a native of Dorsetshire, England. In 1840 he returned to the United States and after working a short time in Maysville, Kentucky, located near Paris, Bourbon County, in that State, and engaged in business in the boot and shoe trade. In 1843 his wife and child joined him here.

        Mr. Myall successfully conducted his business there for many years, rearing and educating a large family, and became one of the representative men of Bourbon County. In the years 1866 and 1867 he was a member of the Kentucky State Legislature from Bourbon County, an office which he filled to the credit of himself and his constituents.

        In 1878 Mr. Myall, feeling the need of a change of climate, and desirous of retiring from active business pursuits, came to Santa Clara County and took up his residence about a half mile west of the Santa Clara and Alviso road, in the Parker School District, about two miles north of Santa Clara, at which point he is the owner of eighty acres of productive land. With the exception of a small family orchard, his farm is devoted to the raising of hay, grain, and stock. Among the latter mention may be made of some thoroughbred Jersey cattle, also of full-bred trotting horses of the Hambletonian breed. He has two flowing artesian wells upon his land, producing an abundance of water for stock, domestic, and irrigation purposes. On his irrigated land is ten acres of alfalfa, which yields over five tons per acre each year. Mr. Myall has a comfortable cottage home, which he has surrounded by beautiful and well-ordered grounds, in which he takes a justly deserved pride, as it is mostly the work of his own hands. The beautiful shaded avenue leading to his house, the walks, roads, hedges, etc., are all improvements that he has perfected in the past ten years. The many rare and beautiful flowers and trees which he has collected and tended, show him to be a horticulturist of no mean order. In this work he has been ably assisted by his daughter Elizabeth. Mr. Myall is a consistent member of the Methodist Church, taking a great interest in its welfare. He is also a member of Lodge No. 23, I. O. O. F., of Bourbon County, Kentucky. Politically he is Democratic. Mr. Myall's success in life, the high position he has held in the communities in which he has resided, has been the result of the straight­forward, manly qualities that are natural to his disposition, rather than to any advantages he received from educational facilities in early life. He is a desirable neighbor, and much respected in the community in which he resides.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.

Pg. 581-582



SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight