
-A Man of recognized worth and ability who has contributed much to the horticultural development of the Santa Clara Valley and whose mining interests are also extensive is Edmund L. Fellows, a native son, born at Napa, April 4, 1865, the son of a pioneer family of 1850, established in the state in that year by his father, George Fellows, one of the most interesting characters in the early history of the state.

George Fellows left his native state, New Hampshire, when nine years old, and accompanied his parents to Galena, Ill., where he was reared. In 1850 he joined the gold-seekers on the Pacific Coast, and more fortunate than many, he acquired a genuine liking for mining and was interested for the remainder of his life, operating on gradually increasing proportions. From Hangtown he removed to Nevada County, and there he discovered the Plumbago mines and the Fellows lead, later called Gold Canyon. Later he located other large, valuable properties and he became known as one of the most successful gold mine owners in that section. In 1862 he removed to Napa, and while there, with others he built the Napa Valley Railroad, afterward a part of the Southern Pacific system. From 1870 to 1875 he was superintendent of the Phoenix quicksilver mines near Calistoga, and then engaged in farming, first near Brentwood, Contra Costa County, and then near Spokane, Wash. He returned to Mountain View, Cal., in 1900, and there his death occurred on May 15 of that year. During his lifetime he made a fortune, and being most liberal and kind hearted, much of it was given to charities and to educational institutions. His marriage had united him with Ann McCabe, who crossed the plains with her parents in 1852, her father, Thomas McCabe, settling near Brentwood, where he died in 1886. Mrs. Fellows passed away in 1901, the mother of a family of eleven children, nine of whom are still living.

The fifth child in the family, Edmund L. Fellows engaged in farming in the vicinity of San Jose until 1890, when he became interested in horticulture, helping to set out and develop the orchards of the famous Quito Ranch, of which he has been for some years the owner, this being one of the finest orchard properties in the Santa Clara Valley. The ranch, which consists of 550 acres, is beautifully located on Saratoga Avenue. It is splendidly equipped, the headquarters being centrally located on the ranch, with ample buildings to care for the stock and implements, as well as space for the dry yards, sufficient to dry all the fruit on the ranch, including an evaporator of large capacity. It is indeed a busy place, and often a dozen teams may be seen in the morning, starting to the various parts of the ranch to take care of its cultivation. Before becoming so extensively interested in horticulture, Mr. Fellows assisted his father in his later mining projects in Nevada County and is still largely interested in that district, a region that has some very rich ore and has what is termed picture rock, of high value.

Mr. Fellows' marriage united him with Miss Laura E. McCoy, a member of one of the pioneer families of this region. Her parents were Reuben and Ellen D. (England) McCoy, who were married December 12, 1866, the latter a native of Missouri. Reuben McCoy was born in Greene County, Tenn., February 4, 1825, and in 1836 went with his father to Missouri, where he lived until April 13, 1850, when he started for California in an ox-team train, reaching here on August 29. He became a prominent farmer in Santa Clara County and passed away on August 9, 1886, his wife surviving him until February 1, 1922. In addition to his large horticultural interests, Mr. Fellows is prominently identified with the political and social affairs of the county, and is a stanch Republican. Fraternally he is a member of True Fellowship Lodge No. 283, I. O. O. F., the Encampment and Patriarchs Militant. Mr. Fellows' ranch is under a high state of cultivation and is one of the truly pleasant and hospitable rural homes in the neighborhood. He is an ardent lover of nature, is devoted to his interesting calling and being gifted with business sagacity, has long since passed the experimental to the assuredly successful stage.

Transcribed by Joseph Kral, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,
 published by Historic Record Co. , 792


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight