Bio-Pen Pictures

            E. L. Bradley, who came to California in 1850, from his native State, New York, became interested in mining and water-ditches in Placer County, remaining there until 1873, when he came to Santa Clara Valley and purchased 220 acres on the Stevens Creek road.  This he cultivated, partly in grain for thoroughbred stock, planting sixty acres in fruit-trees, thirty of which are French prunes, ten in almonds, ten in apricots, and ten in cherries and plums.  This orchard is in partial bearing.  Mr. Bradley’s live stock was thoroughbred Durham and Shorthorns.

            Mr. Bradley was fully identified with the interests and development of Santa Clara County, being one of the original stockholders and directors of the First National Bank of San Jose; a life-member of the Santa Clara County Agricultural Association; a prominent member of the Masonic Order, and a broad-gauge man generally in matters of public interest. He served a term as State Senator for the Senatorial District in which Placer County is situated.  He also took a very active part in the development of the stage road from Sacramento City to Carson City, Nevada, which preceded the building of the Central Pacific Railroad, and was interested in the railroad which followed, and, as fast as it was completed, took the place of the stage road.  He sold out his interests in 1873, to his associates, Stanford, Hopkins, Crocker, etc.

            He was married to Miss Mary Reed, a native of New York, and to this union were born nine children, all but the two youngest dying in infancy and early youth.  He died in 1880, his wife in 1885, and both are buried with their children, in Oak Hill Cemetery, near San Jose.

[note from the bio of : Willis S. Clayton was united in marriage at San Jose, with Miss Anna Bradley, daughter of E. L. Bradley, prominent pioneer and large land holder of the county]

           The business of stock-raising and fruit-culture, established by Mr. Bradley, is continued by his children, under the supervision of E. C. Flagg, who was married to Miss Lenora Bradley, the eldest living child of Mr. Bradley, on November 15, 1882.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 368-369
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler
Proofread by Betty Vickroy



SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight