Bio Pen Picture

 Ephraim H. Wade
Blacksmith and Carriage Repairs
San Jose, 1888

EPHRAIM H. WADE. Among the successful mechanics of San Jose is the above-named gentleman, whos blacksmith and carriage repair shop is located on the corner of Orchard and Willow Streets. Mr. Wade established this shop in 1877, and since that date has successfully and profitable conducted the same. He is the owner of his shop, residence, and three lots at this point. He also owns a fine orchard property on Madden Avenue, just west of the Meridian road. This orchard, containing nine acres, was purchased by him in 1884, and immediatedly planted with apricots and French prunes. Great care and attention on his part has produced one of the finest orchards in that section.

Mr. Wade was born in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, April 3, 1839. His father, John H. Wade, was a native of Massachusetts, and a descendant from the old Puritan colonist of New England. His mother, Catherine (Claus) Wade, was a native of Germany. His father enlisted in the United States service, and was Drum Major in the Fifth United States Infantry, stationed in Detroit, Michigan, to which place he moved his family. This regiment was actively engaged in the Mexican War, and Mr. Wade was wounded. In the spring of 1848 he came North and went to Newport Barracks, Kentucky, where he died from the effect of his wounds, in that year.

In 1852 Mrs. Wade and family came to California and located in Benicia, where she engaged in the dairy business, which, with the assistance of her children, she successfully conducted for several years. In 1854 the subject of this sketch entered the employ of the Pacific Mail Company at Benicia, as an apprentice to the blacksmith trade. He worked at this calling until 1858. In that year the Fraser River mining excitement induced him to try his fortunes in the mins. This proved a failure, and he returned to Benicia and resumed his work for the Pacific Mail Company until 1863. For the next two years he was employed in the United States Arsenal at Benicia, after which, in 1865, he went to Mare Island and was employed in the United States Navy Yard until 1872. In this latter year he returned to the East and entered the Boston & Albany Railroad machine shops, at Springfield, Massachusetts, where he was employed until July 4, 1876.

He then returned to California, and shortly after located in San Jose, where he worked in McKenzie's Foundry for about a year. He then established the shop before mentioned. Mr. Wade is an enteprising and successful mechanic. He is well known and respected in the community in which he resides. He is a strong and consistent Republican, taking a deep interest in all questions and public movements that affect the prosperity of his section and county. He is a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, being associated with Enterprise Lodge, No. 17, of San Jose. December 21, 1870, Mr. Wade's mother died at Vallejo, California. In 1876 Mr. Wade was united in marriage with Mrs. Mary J. (Connors) Davis, a resident of San Francisco. From Mrs. Wade's previous marriage there is one child living, Fannie Davis, who married James Lively, now residing in Fresno County.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S.
Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. page 269 transcribed by Carol Lackey-