
Bio- Sawyers
An enterprising business man, who is proud to claim Santa Clara County as the place of his birth, is Edward H. Mullen, the genial proprietor of the general merchandise store at Robertsville, corner of Almaden Road and Branham Lane, better known as the Five Mile Corner. He was born on September 3, 1884, the eldest son of Edward and. Kate (Lanz) Mullen, who came to California in 1876 and settled in Santa Clara County. Besides Edward they had three other sons: Harvey A., an engineer on the Western Pacific Railway; Frank A., assisting Edward in his store; and William W., an employe of the Shell Oil Co. at Martinez. After ranching in this county for a time the family moved to Redding, Shasta County, where Mr. Mullen engaged in ranching for a number of years, then moved back to Santa Clara County and now with his wife is living on a ranch near Alum Rock, enjoying the fruits of his labors.

Edward H. Mullen was educated in the public schools of Santa Clara and Shasta Counties and as a boy assisted his father on his ranch at Redding and became thoroughly familiar with the business. It was about 1901 that he came back to Santa Clara County and went to work for his uncle, Prosper Estrade, in his store at Robertsville and he was busily engaged here for about five years, then went to Santa Cruz and became an assistant in C. D. Hinkle's store, continuing until 1913, at which time Mr. Mullen came back to this county and purchased the merchandise business from his uncle. He has added many necessary improvements and enlarged his quarters until today he has a modern establishment and carries a large and well-assorted stock of general merchandise, groceries, oils and auto supplies.

 It was in 1919 that he made the purchase of the eight acres and buildings thereon from Mrs. Estrade and now is sole owner of the property. His courteous treatment of all patrons is well known and assures his ultimate success. He employs three people to help care for the trade, which has steadily increased.

The marriage of Edward H. Mullen and Miss Edna Reeg occurred on June 2, 1913, and they have two children, Winifred Bernice, a student at Notre Dame College, and Edward R. Mrs. Mullen was born in Placerville, Cal., the daughter of the late Leonard and Clementina (McLaughlin) Reeg, who also had these other children: viz, Oscar 0., Christina M., and Mary L. Reeg.

Mr. Mullen is a Republican in his political convictions and fraternally is a member of the Knights of Columbus, of the third degree, and of the Foresters of America. The family are members of the Catholic Church. Mr. Mullen is always ready and willing to assist in the promotion of all enterprises for the good of the county and has served on various organization committees of the Prune and Apricot Growers; was one of the men who were largely instrumental in having the San Jose-Almaden highway paved and in many ways has shown his public spirit and enterprise so that he and his family are highly esteemed by all who know them, and particularly in the community where they reside.

Transcribed by Carolyn Feroben, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,
 published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1465


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight