Bio-Pen Pictures

resides in the Braly District, on the corner of Alviso and Mountain View, and Mountain View and Saratoga roads, being two miles southwest of Alviso. His fine farm, of 147 acres, is devoted chiefly to the raising of hay and grain, and to pasturage. However, twenty acres are in orchard, furnishing principally apples and pears, but also peaches, prunes, and plums for family use. About seven acres are set to strawberries of the Longworth and Sharpless varieties. Mr. Holthouse has a dairy of ten cows, and raises horses of the Norman stock. Two artesian wells furnish a plentiful supply of water. He has erected a comfortable two-story residence, in which maybe found the conveniences which make a part of liberal living in this age.

        The subject of this sketch was born in Nahne, Osnabruck, Hanover, of the German Empire, in 1827. He is the son of Herman and Mary Elizabeth (Brockman) Holthouse, who were natives of the place of his birth. He received a good common-school education, and was taught the details of farm work. In 1849 he left his native country to seek his fortune in the New World. He crossed the ocean in a sailing vessel, and, landing at New Orleans, went up the river to St. Louis, Missouri. In that city two or three years were spent in various occupations, leaving to cross the plains in 1852, with an emigrant train, which was supplied with ox teams. The party experienced considerable trouble through the loss of stock, and were obliged to abandon some of their wagons.

        After a long and tedious trip, Mr. Holthouse reached Placer County, in the fall of the same year, having spent six months on the road. In Placer County he bought into a claim, and commenced mining. This occupation filled seven years, and proved quite profitable. Most of the time was spent in the mines of Plumas County. From 1859 to 1870 he engaged in various pursuits, among which were quartz-mining, stock-raising, farming, and general merchandise business. At the expiration of this time he came to Alviso, where he rented a farm, upon which he entered into stock-raising and dairy business. After a residence of about four years on this farm he purchased and established his residence upon the property which he now cultivates and occupies. After a long experience in different parts of the world and in many branches of industry, Mr. Holthouse is well content to make his home in this lovely valley, where he has made many friends, and gained much respect as a man of integrity and intelligence. In religion he is a consistent member of the Roman Catholic Church, and in politics a strong Republican, having been, during the war, an ardent supporter of the Union.

        In 1864 he married Mrs. Elizabeth (Madden) Ratliff, widow of John Ratliff, of Mahaska County, Iowa. Mrs. Holthouse is a native of Dublin, Ireland. From this marriage five children have been born. Their names are : Herman E., Hugh N., Mary E., Mark H., and Joseph F. From her former marriage Mrs. Holthouse has one son, William P. Ratliff, who married Miss Alice Harter, and resides in Tulare County.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888.
Pg. 480


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight