
A native of Maine, Edgar H. Freeman has attained a degree of success in his California home that would have been impossible in the midst of circumstances existing in the state of his birth.  He was born at Minot Corner, on the Little Androscoggin, near Lewiston, Maine, October 10, 1857, the son of Daniel and Hannah D. (Marble) Freeman, who were natives of the same place. The original ancestors came from England and three Freeman brothers came to America on the Mayflower, from whom all the other Freemans are descended. Great-grandfather Daniel Freeman was one of the early settlers of Maine. Daniel Freeman, the father of our subject, was a farmer in Maine, and in 1850, leaving his wife and child in the home state, he came via Panama to California, where he engaged in mining for two years; returning to Maine he continued there until 1876, when he again came to California. During the Civil War, when he was forty-six years old, he enlisted, but was rejected on account of being over age. The family lived in Sonoma County, Cal., for one year, then removed to Hollister, where they lived for three years; and then came to the Santa Clara Valley, where they both died.

Edgar H. Freeman was educated in the grammar and high school of Maine and after leaving school was engaged in the manufacture of shoes at Lynn, Mass. In 1878 he came to San Benito County, Cal. and during 1878 and 1879 engaged in ranching near Hollister; then removed to the Bodie gold mines in Mono County and was there for five years, prospecting and mining. In 1884 he came to Santa Clara, where he was engaged for several years in raising pure-bred fancy poultry, Brahmas, Plymouth Rocks, Wyandottes, Leghorns; also Pekin ducks and Bronze turkeys. He had the best stock procurable and at the Santa Clara Valley poultry and kennel club show at San Jose he won the diamond medal for best poultry exhibit and at Petaluma he won the $100 gold metal for best and largest exhibit at the California State Poultry Show. He was one of the organizers of the California State Poultry Association and was secretary of the organization. In 1896 he took charge of forty acres planted in grapes, a portion of his father's old place; a part of this came into his possession from the estate and the balance he purchased. He removed the vines and planted it to prunes and apricots, and the place has been brought to a high state of cultivation and productiveness.

Mr. Freeman's marriage at Lynn, Mass., in 1877, united him with Miss Dorothy D. Wescott, also a native of Maine, born at Castine. Her father, Capt. Samuel Wescott, was part owner and master of his vessel and for years sailed all over the world into important ports. He died at sea. Her mother, who was Margaret Dunbar, died at her old home in Maine. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman are the parents of four children: Hersey D. passed away in Bodie; Eldora P, a graduate of Stanford University, is Mrs. Ernest Kimberlin of Sacramento; Edgar D., a graduate of the College of the Pacific is an electrician with the Southern Pacific Railroad Company at Gold Run; Hazel, a graduate of the San Jose State Normal School is teaching at Mountain View, Cal. There are nine grandchildren. Mr. Freeman is a Republican and fraternally belongs to the Knights of Pythias, Woodmen of the World, Fraternal Aid Union, is active in the local Grange and Farmers' Educational & Cooperative Union, and has served his community as a schooltrustee. He is a broad-minded, public spirited man and citizen, and all movements for the advancement of the county have his hearty support.

Transcribed by Joseph Kral, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922.
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SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight