Eli Hugh Evans

Bio Pen Pictures


ELI HUGH EVANS, son of Hugh and Jerusha (Cone) Evans, was born in Oneida County, New York, June 5, 1824. His father was a native of New Hampshire and his mother of New York. They both died in New York. Of fourteen children they reared twelve, the subject of this sketch being the youngest of the family. At the age of twenty he went to Wisconsin, where he worked in different parts of the State for four years. In 1849 he came to California, making the trip overland with ox teams. When the party was organized at the Missouri River, it numbered eighty-one persons, under Captain Haraszthy. Mr. Evans acted as cook for the mess to which he belonged. It took them eleven months to make the trip, by the southern route. The party went into camp twenty-five miles south of Santa Fe, in New Mexico, where it remained six weeks recruiting the cattle. The party reached San Diego on Christmas-day. Mr. Evans remained there about three weeks, when he took passage on a sailing vessel and reached San Francisco in February, 1850. The next month he went to the Yuba River mines and began mining, remaining there four months, when he returned to San Francisco and went into the Redwoods, back of Redwood City. There he engaged in hauling logs. After going to the mines again and to the Redwoods back of Oakland, in 1853 he came to San Jose, where he remained four years running a grist-mill. In 1857, with some others, he organized a stock company and took a contract for making a part of the Santa Cruz Turnpike toll-road. In 1858 he bought his present place, of eighty acres, where he has since resided.

He was married, in 1861, to Jemima Ann Ricketts, who died in November, 1862. In 1870 he again married, to Julia A. Purdon, a native of Oneida County, New York. They have no children. He has about thirty acres under cultivation, viz.: 70 French prunes, seven years old, 150 Hungarian prunes, eleven years old, 500 egg plums just coming into bearing, 25 Columbia plums in bearing, 20 Oregon silver prunes, 100 pears, mostly Bartletts, five years old, 200 apples, twenty years old, and 150 cherries, some of which are eighteen years old. He also has about four acres in vineyard, about four years old, with the exception of half an acre, which are twenty years old.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H.S.
Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. page 264-265 transcribed by Carol Lackey-