The Valley of Heart's Delight

Villa Bergstedt in the Santa Cruz Mountains

A man of splendid attainments and high professional worth was the late Dr. Edmund Goldmann, who was born in Schotten Hessen, Darmstadt, Germany, Darmstadt, Germany, in 1834. He studied at the University of Geisen, then at Heidelberg, where he was a graduate in medicine, after which he emigrated to New Orleans, La., and practiced medicine, subsequently taking post graduate courses in Bellevue Hospital Medical College. He was a friend of Sheridan, Sherman and Farragut and during the Civil War served as a surgeon in the Union Army, so naturally during this period he lost much of his savings.

After the war he removed to Galveston, Texas, where he practice medicine, and it was there his first marriage occurred to Amanda Correth, a native of Germany who was a countess; her father, Count Correth, had settled in Texas immediately  after the revolution of 1848. Their married life was of brief duration, for she passed away a year later. Six years afterward, Dr. Goldmann married a second time, being united with Miss Julia Bergstedt, was born in Bremervorde, Germany, the daughter of Franz Bergstedt, a successful business man who established a fine resort. Her mother was Anna S. Sorke and both parents passed away In Germany. To this worthy couple were born seven children, all daughters, of whom Julia was the forth oldest; grew up in their native country and there secured a splendid education. She immigrated to Galveston, Texas, and there made the acquaintance of Dr. Goldmann.

   After their marriage, Dr. and Mrs. Goldmann immediately removed to Monterey, Mexico, where he practiced medicine until 1886, when he came to San Jose. His knowledge of and experience as a physician and a surgeon was well received and he soon had a lucrative practice. In 1889 he purchased the ranch where he established the health resort and named  it Villa Bergstedt. After practicing in San Jose, he gave it up to give all of his time to his resort leveling and excavating done, planned the hotel and cottages and had them built. The splendid spring water was piped to the hotel and grounds; this water is splendid and healthful, having a trace of iron. There are also three other big springs on the place. Villa Bergstedt ranch comprises twenty-six acres, located near the summit of the Santa Cruz mountains at an altitude of 2000 feet; about fifteen acres of the ranch is devoted to orchards of a variety of fruits, but principally of prunes. The resort is four miles from Wright's station and is also four miles from the San Jose-Santa Cruz Highway. The new Skyline Boulevard is planned to embrace the country road now along the lower side of the ranch. The resort is well planned and guests are made very comfortable and people come from all over the state as well as from Mexico. 

   Dr. Godmann was, however, not permitted to enjoy the fruits of his labors, for he died February 29, 1910. He was a strong Republican and was an honored member of the Medical Association and the state and county societies. He was a man of much ability, spoke six different languages, was well read and contributed articles to medical journals. A wide traveler and a good judge of climatic conditions, he found the most ideal location for his health resort in the Santa Cruz Mountains. 

   Dr. and Mrs. Goldmann were the parents of four children; Inez is the wife of Fred C. Scheffauer, a Government employee who resides in Mill Valley and they have three children--Juanita, Gisella and Louise; Juanita is devotedly assisting her mother to preside over Villa Bergstedt; Edmund who is with the San Francisco Savings & Loan Society Bank, married Eleanor de Prefontaine, has two children--Leonard and Eleanor Virginia. Elsa is a graduate nurse of Mt. Zion Hospital. She was a Red Cross nurse, going overseas and served in Base Hospital 30, her services in France and at Coblenz covering a period of eight months. On her return she became the wife of Lee Stopple and they reside in San Francisco. Since Dr. Goldmann passed away, Mrs. Goldmann continues the cherished improvements of the resort, carrying out the plans of Dr. Goldmann for a year around resort and it has become popular, surrounded as it is by the quiet and beautiful scenery of the Santa Cruz Mountains. Dr. Goldmann gave much of the credit for the success of Villa Bergstedt to his estimable wife and family, who so faithfully assisted him in carrying out his plans. Mrs. Goldmann with her accomplished daughter is greatly loved and esteemed by their many friends from all over California.

Transcribed by Marie Clayton, from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1234