Bio- Sawyers


The life which the narrative chronicles began in Eastmanville, Mich., on January 15, 1863, in the home of Galen and Mary Lucina (Ferry) Eastman, who were representatives of Colonial families of New England.  Galen Eastman was born July 8, 1829, at Canaan, Maine, and was engaged in the lumber business, owning his craft and barges on the rivers and lakes, and his own mills.  What education he had acquired was by his own efforts, but whatever he undertook he succeeded in doing well.  During the year of 1836 his parents had removed to Michigan.  Mrs. Mary Lucina AEastman was a sister fo the Hon. Thomas W. Ferry, who was a member of  the House and U. S. Senate from Michigan for twenty-six years, and upon the death of Henry Wilson, became activing vice-presidnt of the United State.  In 1879 Galen Eastman took a trip into the frontier of New Mexico and became the government agent for the Navajo Indians at Fort Defiance, N. M.  For several years he was also a success ful hardware merchant in San Francsico. He passed away on January 18, 1899, aged sixty-nine, and his widow passed away in 1903 in San Francisco, when sisty-six years old.

Edward F. Eastman was educated in teh schools of Grand Haven, Mich., and during the year of 1876 left school to take a trip on the great Lakes.  Touching at Chicago, he traveled on and on util in February of the following year he was in Louisiana, where he soon found employoment in towing and freighting on Grand Lake, transporting thousands of feet of lumber and thousands of tons of merchandise to points on Bayour Teche.  Another experience was whil iving on the  Indian reserevation; he became much enamored on the wild life of the Indians, and in 1881 was called upon to act as a guide for a party of tourists going to the Canyon de Chelly in Arizona. Leaving Albuquerque, N. M., well equipped with packs and horses, he headed so as to cross the head of the canyon and made the trip without any serious accident.  Four years later he was in teh Wasatch Mountains in utah and working in the silver mines.  various enterprises engaged his attention fnrom slmelterman to engineer, and the xperience gained throughout all the years were necer amiss.  However, in 1885 he gavce up his mining operations and left for San Francisco.

On November 3, 1887, Mr. Eastman was married to Miss Nellie Florence Sleeper, born in Columbia, Tuolumne County. Cal., the daughter of the sturdy pioneer, William Osgood Sleeper, who was born in 1816, a native of St. Albans, Maine, and who crossed the Isthmus in 1851, arriving in San Franicsco early in 1852.  He was engaged in the buying and shipping of gold dust, and also tried his luck at mining.  He married Miss Almira Foss, and in 1868 they removed to San Francisco. Mr. Sleepter died in Santa Rosa in 1901, and Mrs Sleeper passed away in Santa Clara County in 1908.

In 1887 Mr. Eastman removed with hsi family to Santa Rosa, and there purchased a ranch and was engaged for the next two years in farming, but still believing that he could find a fortune in the mines, he disposed of hsi ranch and went to Utah, where he remained ulntil November, 1891, when he located in teh Santa Clara Valley, and since that time has been a residen tof that county most of the time.  FOr eleven years he was in teh hardware and the marble business in San Francisco, and continued until the time of the great fire and earthquake in 1906.  The reverses which he and his brother suffered at that time never caused our subject to give up the fight, but by hard work and good judgment he was succeeded in stabishing himself on a substantial basis.  For many years he owned and operated the extensive ruanch property, consisting of 652 acres, known as Mountain Dell, in the Uvas in Santa Clara County.

Mr. and Mrs. Eastman are the parents of two children; George W. is married and is a practicing chiropractor and resides in New York City; Alice L. is the wife of Percy Dunlap and they reside in Sebastopol.  Mr. Eastman is a stockholder in the Farmers' Union store in Morgan   In 1919 the Mountain Dell ranch was sold to Harold McD. Smith, and Mr. Eastman ereced a modern and comfortable residence on a nine-and-a -half acre ranch on the Uvas Road eight miles from Morgan Hill, called "Creek Side."  Politically he is a stanch Republican, and fraternally he is a Mason,holding membership in Mission Lodge NO. 169, F. & A. M.; a charter member of Mission Chapter No. 79, R. A.M.; a member of California Commandery No. 1. K. T., and Islam Temple, A. A.. O. N. M. S., of San Francisco.  Both Mr. and Mrs.  Eastman are members of Magnolia Chapters, O. E. S., Gilroy.  Mr Eastman has practically lived retired since 1907, but is ever intereed in teh welfare and future of his locality.

Transcribed by Carolyn Ferobenfrom Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,
 published by Historic Record Co. , 1922.  Page 939-940