Served Under General Sherman


Born in the town of Sylvester, near Albany, Green County, Wis., June 12, 1846, Eugene D. Webster is a son of Benjamin and Laura A. (Babcock) Webster, both parents natives of New York state, of an old New England family who migrated west to Wisconsin during the year of 1844, where they followed farming. In 1862 Benjamin Webster enlisted in the service of his country in the Thirty-first Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, but on account of poor health was mustered out a few months later.

When Eugene D. Webster was but a young boy of sixteen, he enlisted and entered camp at Racine, Wis., later being sent to Kentucky in Company I, Thirty-first Wisconsin Volunteers, and was engaged in forty-two battles and skirmishes. He took part in the battles before Atlanta, and was under General Sherman in his famous March to the Sea; was at the taking of Savannah, Ga.; then in the battles of Goldsborough, Raleigh and Bentonville until Lee's surrender. Later, as one of Sherman's men, he took part in the Grand Review in Washington, and was honorably discharged at Madison, Wis., on July 24, 1865. During the war his parents had removed to Jackson County, Wis., whither he followed.

 Upon his return to civil life, he engaged in the hotel and livery business and was very successful. He was united in marriage January 7, 1877, with Miss Mary Rogerson, a daughter of John and Harriett Rogerson, pioneers of Madison, Dane County, Wis. They are the parents of two sons, Albertus R., and Thornton D., both of San Jose. For many years Mr. Webster followed his chosen line of work in Neillsville, Clark County, Wis., becoming prominently identified with the affairs of his local community, serving as councilman for a number of years. Having sold his business in Wisconsin, Mr Webster came to San Jose, Cal., July 12, 1902. He purchased a ranch west of Santa Clara consisting of forty acres planted to prunes, peaches and walnuts, and was active engaged in horticulture pursuits until 1915, when he sold his ranch and erected a residence on Minnesota Avenue; later this was sold and his present residence was built at 11 South Lincoln Avenue. He is a Republican and is a prominent figure in G. A. R. circles, being a past commander of Bacon Post G. A. R. in Neillsville. Fraternally he is a member of the Neillsville Lodge of Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias. He is also a member of Liberty Lodge No. 299, F. & A. M., Santa Clara, and is a Scottish Rite Mason.

Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California, published by Historic Record Co. , 1922.
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SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight