San Jose owes much to the enterprise, progressiveness and business ability of Edward Delmaestro, whose activities as a building contractor have contributed to the improvement and development of the city. He has an expert knowledge of the carpenter's trade, which his grandfather and father also followed in this state, and the family name has long figured prominently in building circles of this district. A native son of California, Mr. Delmaetro was born at the New Almaden mines on October 23, 1889.

His paternal grandfather, John Delmaestro, a native of Switzerland, came to California in 1851 and engaged in contracting, then became the first foreman in charge of the construction of the New Almaden mines, continuing with them until his death in 1889. The father was reared in Switzerland, but when fourteen years old he went to South America where he learned the carpenter and cabinet maker's trade. In coming to San Jose, he engaged in contracting and then went to the New Almaden mines, where he became foreman, continuing for thirty years and is now living retired at the age of seventy-two years in San Jose; the mother passed away in 1906. Mr. and Mrs. Delmaestro had eight children of whom Edward is the youngest, the others being John, who is connected with the Bean Spray Pump Company of San Jose; and Madeline, deceased; Mercedes, Isabel and Teresa of San Jose; Leta of Los Angeles and Mrs. Jennie Sterling, deceased.

In the acquirement of an education Mr. Delmaestro attended the public schools at New Almaden and then learned the carpenter's trade under the able guidance of his father, when then a lad of fourteen years. He came to San Jose and when sixteen he started out as a journeyman carpenter and has provided for his own support since fourteen years of age, and after following his trade for a number of years took a course in architectural designing, contracting and building in the International Correspondence Schools of Scranton, Pa. He has become recognized as one of the leading building contractors of the city, specializing in the designing and erection of first-class bungalows, and also doing general repair work. His work, which is of high character and standard excellence, has been a credit to the city and a feature in its substantial improvement, while his business methods have ever balanced up with the principles of integrity and honesty.

In January, 1906, in San Jose, Mr. Delmaestro was married to Miss Adeline Lunsford, a native of this city and a daughter of Lewis and Isabel (Courtois) Lunsford, who are mentioned elsewhere in this volume. Mr. and Mrs. Delmaestro are the parents of three children: Pearl attending Notre Dame College, Edward, Jr., and Frederick. Mr. Delmaestro is a Republican in his political views, interested in the welfare and success of the party. He is a member of the Builders' Exchange, and with his wife is a member of the Fraternal Aid Union.
From Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 1165


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight