Bio-Pen Pictures



was born in San Jose, California, November 23, 1857. His father, Gioachino Yocco, was born in Domo d’ Ossola, Italy, October 15, 1822; came to California in 1849, went to the mines, and settled in San Jose in 1850. He was married in 1854 to Josephine Huet, a native of France, who came to California the year of her marriage.  Mr. Yocco, with his brother Clementi, engaged in the grocery business in San Jose, in which business they continued for twenty years, when he took up his residence in Paris, France, where he still makes his home, but still owns property in San Jose.  He had two children, of whom Edward C. is the youngest.  He was reared in San Jose till ten years of age, when he went to Paris, where he remained five years, and was educated.  He then returned to San Jose and entered the grocery store run by his uncle, and remained with him until the dissolution of partnership occurred.  He then entered the grocery store of Auzerais & Pomeroy as clerk, and remained there two years.

            He was married, August 9, 1879, to Gracie Garat, a native of Santa Clara County, and a daughter of Charles Garat.  In 1880 he went into the Almaden mines with his father, who was engaged there in the meat business, and remained there two years, when, in 1882, he came to Los Gatos and engaged in the same business for himself.  The business was first established here in 1870 by Goldsworthy Brothers.  He is a charter member of Los Gatos Parlor, No. 124, N.S.G.W., and also a member of Ridgely Lodge, I.O.O.F., having first become and Odd Fellow in San Jose, in 1879.  He has three children, two sons and a daughter.

Pen Pictures From The Garden of the World or Santa Clara County, California, Illustrated. - Edited by H. S. Foote.- Chicago:  The Lewis Publishing Company, 1888. p. 514

Transcribed by Kathy Sedler