Bio- Pen Pictures

Prominent among the various distinguished members of the famous Ellet family of American patriots may be included Edward Carpenter Ellet of Mayfield, the father of Alfred W. Ellet, vice-president, and Charles Ellet, cashier of The Stanford Bank at Palo Alto and Mayfield. He is a son of the late Brig.-Gen. Alfred Washington Ellet of Civil War fame. The Ellet family originates from French Huguenot and Quaker stock and goes back to the days of William Penn. This family is closely related to, and descended from, two noted pioneer Quaker families of Pennsylvania, namely that of Thomas Lloyd and Samuel Carpenter, both of whom were intimately connected with the earliest Colonial history of Penn's Woodland The Lloyd family is one of the most ancient and substantial families of Great Britain, having a genealogy which reaches back to William the Conqueror and even to Charlemagne. Thomas Lloyd, the progenitor of the Lloyd family in America, served many years as Deputy Governor of Pennsylvania. He was the son of Charles Lloyd, a gentleman of rank and fortune and of ancient family and estate called "Dolobran" in Montgomeryshire, in North Wales. He grew up in Wales and was educated at Oxford and is represented as possessing superior attainments joined with great benevolence and activity of character. He died in Philadelphia in 1694, aged fifty-four years. The historian, Watson, in his Annals of Philadelphia, says: "Having established his colony on the broad principles of charity and constitutional freedom, he 'Penn) left his executive power in the hands of the Council under the Presidency of Thomas Lloyd, an eminent Quaker. Penn was absent about fifteen years. Thomas Lloyd joined the Society of Friends in 1662 and became a highly useful and eminent member thereof. He arrived in Pennsylvania in 1683 and died July 10, 1694, honored by all who knew him."

The second noted progenitor of the family was Samuel Carpenter, who was also a Quaker, a contemporary of, and a co-worker with, Penn. He was born in 1650 in England, and joined Penn in Philadelphia in 1682; became a great merchant and very prominent in political ways and died in 1714, being then the treasurer of the province. Of him Watson, the historian says: " The name of Samuel Carpenter is connected with everything of a public nature in the annals of Pennsylvania. I have seen his name at every turn in searching the old records. He was the Stephen Girard of his day in wealth, and the William Sansom in the improvements he suggested and edifices which he bult."

Samuel Carpenter settled near the present site of Salem, N. J. and from the union of his daughter to one Charles Ellet, who was of French Huguenot extraction, was born another Charles Ellet. He was a man of sterling quality and married Miss Mary Israel, the daughter of Israel Israel, a Philadelphian of wealth, political and social standing, who was noted in his day as a patriot, and who did much as a member of the "Committee of Safety" to establish American Independence. From this union sprang the great Ellet family of the Mississippi River Ram Fleet and Marine Brigade which attained undying fame during the course of the Civil War.

Mary Ellet was also a patriot, and her wonderful character is truthfully and eloquently set forth in the following extract from an article by John W. Forney, published in the Philadelphia Press: "Her familiarity with American history for. seventy-five years, including many of the characters who figured in and after the Revolution—her patriotic ancestors and descendants—her own passionate love of country inherited from one and transmitted to the other—her spotless reputation—entitles her, I think, more than any other of her sex, to the appellation of the American Cornelia. In writing of her, I cherish no purpose of vain eulogy—I write solely to preserve the record of a remarkable life, that it may not be lost among men, and to present an example which every American woman may study with pleasure and with profit. Rarely has there been such a resemblance between two persons as between the illustrous Roman matron and Mary Ellet—both renowned for purity of character, vigorous intellect, and a virtuous ambition. Their love of country was supreme."

Charles and Mary Ellet became the parents of six sons, four of whom grew to manhood and all of whom gained distinction and prominence, namely, Charles Ellet, Jr , the famous engineer and inventor who originated the Naval Ram and built and commanded the Mississippi River Ram Fleet; John I. Ellet, the pioneer of the West, well known to the early history of San Francisco and San Jose; Dr. Edward Carpenter Ellet, a well known physician at Bunker Hill, Ill.; and Brig. Gen. Alfred Washington Ellet, who was the father of the subject of the sketch.

Charles Ellet, Jr., the famous engineer, naval genius and hero, was born in Bucks County, Pa., January 1, 1810, and although he grew up on a farm, his inclinations led him to mathematics and engineering pursuits. After helping to build the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal. he was able to visit Europe for study, and completed his education in the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, after which he became an engineer on the Utica & Schenectady Railroad, then on the Erie, and subsequently was chief engineer of the James & Kanawha Canal. In 1842 he planned and built the first wire suspension bridge in this country, it being a foot bridge, stringing it across the Schuylkill River at Philadelphia. He designed and built the first suspension bridge across the Niagara River below the falls in 1847. As a matter of interest and as a showing of his bold fearlessness, it may be here related that he drove a team or a carriage with  his daughter, Mary Virginia Ellet, who is now Mrs. Mary Virginia Ellet Cabell of Washington, D. C., in the seat behind him across this bridge without any side railing, swaying with every footstep, over the surging waters of the rapids below, from Canada to the United States, while thousands of terrified spectators who were skeptical as to the safety of the bridge, held their breaths in silent horror. Mrs. Mary Virginia Ellet Cabell, formerly of Norwood, Va., but now of Washington, D. C , is, and for about a quarter of a century last past, has been President Presiding of the Daughters of the American Revolution, a position of honor which no one else has ever held. She is an own cousin of Ex-Secretary of the Navy, Josephus Daniels, and of United States Senator John Daniels of Virginia.

Among the many important engineering works planned and successfully consummated by Charles Ellet was the laying out of the temporary route of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad across the Cumberland Mountains, which was used while the great tunnel was being made.

Charles Ellet, Jr., has the particular distinction of being the first to advocate a definite plan for the use of steam rams, and suggested a plan to the Russian government by which the allied fleet before Sebastopol might be destroyed. At the beginning of the Civil War in 1861, he became interested in military matters and devoted much attention to the use of rams in naval warfare. He sent a plan for cutting off the Confederate Army at Manassas to General McClellan, who rejected it, and Ellet then wrote two pamphlets censuring McClellan's mode of conducting the campaign. He urged upon the Government the construction of steam rams, for use on the large rivers of the West, and after his plans had been rejected by the Navy Department, he presented them in person to the Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton, by whom they were approved, the rebels already having taken advantage of his ideas, in the construction of the Merrimac and several other rams on the coast. He was then commissioned Colonel of the Staff of Engineers, and converted several powerful light-draft steamers on the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers into rams.  In his letter to Charles Ellet, Jr., dated April 26, 1862, Secretary Stanton made it plain that he wanted Ellet to have a high legal authority and an independent command over the Ram Fleet. The rank of "Colonel of Staff' was the highest he could bestow without the concurrent action of the Senate, which would have caused delay, else his commission would no doubt have been of greater dignity. As it was, Mr. Stanton made it clear that his command should be concurrent with, and not under, the Naval Commander. Thus the Ram Fleet and the Marine Brigade acted in closest cooperation with the Army and was the only independent command on the side of the Union forces, reporting direct to the Secretary of War. With the fleet of rams thus constructed, he engaged -in the naval battle off Memphis on June 6, 1862, and sunk and disabled the entire fleet of Confederate vessels except the ram known as the General Van Dorn, which escaped up the river. During the battle, Ellet was struck above the knee by a pistol-ball, and died from the effects of his wound.

Among his most noteworthy labors, says Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography, was his investigation of the hydraulics of the Ohio and Mis
sissippi rivers, the results of which were printed by the Smithsonian Institute at Washington. He also published at Philadelphia, as early as 1855, a treatise on "Coast and Harbor Defences, or the Substitution GI Steam Battering-Rams for Ships of War." Curiously enough, his idea of the battering-ram in naval warfare has been adopted by every nation in the world—every cruiser, battleship and fighting craft afloat today is built with a powerful ram-like prow, and can be used as a ram in the destruction of an enemy craft whenever opportunity presents. But the universal adoption of this principle proves the greatness of his mind and this idea.

John I. Ellet, a brother of Charles Ellet, Jr., settled in San Mateo County as one of its path-breakers, in 1853, and named the town Belmont after the two bell-shaped mounds to be found there; he built the old Belmont Hotel, which is still standing, shipping the lumber for it around the Horn in 1853. He afterwards moved to San Jose. He had two sons, John A. and Richard, and they taught in the College at Santa Clara, until the Civil War broke cut. Then they joined the famous California 100, and were later transferred to the Ram Fleet. John I. Ellet left California in 1865, never to return to the Golden State, with whose development he had had an interesting participation. He arrived in New York harbor on the day when Lincoln was assassinated.

Charles Rivers Ellet, a son of the preceding Charles Ellet, Jr., was engaged at the outbreak of the Civil War in studying medicine, and he soon became assistant surgeon in one of the military hospitals. In 1862  he commanded one of his father's rams in the celebrated action at Memphis. After his father's death, on the organization of the Mississippi Marine brigade by his uncle, Alfred Washington Ellet, he was appointed Colonel and when his uncle was commissioned brigadier-general, Col. Charles Rivers Ellet was placed in command of the Ram Fleet. Choosing the ram Queen of the West as his flagship, he made many daring expeditions on the Mississippi, and succeeded in running the Confederate batteries at Vicksburg after ramming the City of Vicksburg under Vicksburg's batteries, in a most desperate and spectacular dash. As he was cruising between that stronghold and Fort Hudson, on February 10, 1863, he made an expedition up the Red River and captured the Confederate steamer Era and a number of other vessels, and destroyed many stores of provisions. After descending the river successfully, a traitorous pilot ran his vessel aground, placing her in such a difficult position that she was disabled by the fire from the Confederate fort, and fell into the hands of • the enemy. Colonel Ellet would have blown up or burned her rather than allow her to fall into the hands of the enemy had it not been for the fact that one of his trusted officers and a personal friend was left lying on the deck mortally wounded from a musket-ball, and for that reason the noted fighting craft was abandoned. Colonel Ellet, however, true to the traditions of a family as renowned for its valor as for its scientific ingenuity, made his escape by putting off boldly on a bale of cotton, from which he was rescued by the Union De Soto, under his command. During the siege of Vicksburg and afterward, he rendered most valuable assistance to General Grant, which was later duly recognized in official despatches, in keeping open his communications; but in the performance of this duty his health failed, owing to the climate, and he died suddenly in Illinois, to which State he had retired for a brief rest.

Alfred Washington Ellet was born on October 11, 1820, on his father's farm in Bucks County, Pa., on the banks of the Delaware, the youngest of six stalwart sons, and next to the youngest of a vigorous family of fourteen children. In 1824, his father's family removed to Philadelphia, where Alfred entered the city schools; but at the age of sixteen, a sudden change in health necessitated his abandoning further educational advantages, and he took to agricultural pursuits. He engaged in farming near Bunker Hill, ill., about twenty-five miles northeast of St. Louis. This rough, out-of-door experience developed in him a gigantic physique, and when he came to manhood's estate, he was six feet, two and one-half inches tall, and strong and enduring in proportion to his commanding size. He also developed temperate habits, a strong, moral character, and an uncompromising sense of justice and right. By hard, intelligent industry, he established a home both for himself and Lis aged, widowed mother, in whose company on the streets of Bunker Hill his fellow-citizens often saw him—"his manner toward her ever that of a youthful and ardent lover toward his intended bride."
The humiliating defeat of the Union forces at Bull Run, so near their old home, fired Alfred Ellet's patriotic soul; and in July, 1861, as captain of a company, raised by himself in and around Bunker Hill, he entered the service of his country, at the Arsenal in St. Louis, at the head of Company I, Ninth Missouri Volunteer Infantry. This entire regiment was composed of Illinois men, who had enlisted with the expectation of being mustered into an Illinois regiment, under President Lincoln's call for 75,000 volunteers; but the quota of the State was filled about a week before they were ready for muster, and so they were at first accredited to Missouri, although they afterward became the Fifty-ninth Illinois Infantry.

Captain Ellet participated in the early and memorable Missouri campaigns, under General John C. Fremont and General S. R. Curtis, and was with his regiment in' the Battle of Pea Ridge. While in camp, a few weeks later, he received an order to report to his brother, Colonel of Staff Charles Ellet, Jr., of ram fleet fame, and was made second in command of the Mississippi River Ram Fleet, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel. As commander of that fleet, after his brother's death, his career was brilliant; and in recognition of his distinguished service on the Mississippi, the War Department determined to enlarge his command, and on November 1, 1862, promoted him to the rank of brigadier-general of volunteers and placed him in charge of both the Ram Fleet and the Marine Brigade. This new command of the Mississippi River Marine Brigade included the rams which did such effective service and helped to make the thrilling record of high patriotic endeavor and accomplishment which has been told in detail in the "History of the Ram Fleet and the Mississippi River Marine Brigade in the War for the Union: The Story of the Ellets and Their Men,"—a handsome, compendious volume giving the portraits and biographies of the famous participants. In the ready adaptation of himself to the duties of both these commands, Brigadier-General Ellet's remarkable resourcefulness of mind amazed even his most intimate friends. He at once mastered
the knowledge of river-craft and navigation, and so well managed the affairs of the rams that he was able to maintain their equipment and high standard of efficiency, and later organize and equip the brigade. While not a military tactician, he gathered about him those who were; and being quick to see advantageous positions, he inspired everyone with his unquestioned courage and skill. He was a superb horseman, in action like a fierce lion stirred up in his lair, and he maintained the most admirable personal bearing amid appalling perils. He was exacting of subordinates, although generous and just in recognition of service by inferiors, and unflinching in his attitude toward the enemy. He ordered the burning of Austin, Miss., on May 24, 1863, in retaliation for information furnished by citizens to Confederates of General Chalmers' command, which enabled the latter to fire upon a Federal transport; and although, like so many of the greatest Americans, he could not escape envy and detraction, his eminent career has given him a position in the annals of his country where his name is imperishable. He died in Kansas in 1895. In the National. Cemetery at Vicksburg, Miss., stands a bronze bust of him erected by the Government as a tribute to his valorous services.

The Mississippi Ram Fleet and Marine Brigade was the only independent volunteer command in the service. It was a part of the army and not of the navy, and as such was amenable directly to the Secretary of War, and in consequence every commissioned officer in it was appointed directly by the President and the Secretary of War instead of the governors of the states. Both the fleet and the brigade acted in closest cooperation under the command of Brigadier-General Alfred W. Ellet, and though subjected to the jealousies of certain naval commanders, it was a most effective force in clearing the Mississippi River, and thus played a very important part n winning the war for the Union. The outstanding feature of its accomplishments was due to the bold intrepidity of its commanding general, who, in point of fearless courage, had no superior. Another thing which contributed to his success, was the fact that he was heart and soul in the cause against slavery and for the preservation of the Union. At times General Ellet seemed to act rashly; but his rashness was a failing which leaned to virtue. He was a man of strong moral conviction and character. After the war, as a private citizen in the state of Kansas, he espoused the cause of prohibition with the same zeal with which he had opposed slavery, entered personally into the state campaign and played a very important part in making Kansas a prohibition state.

Edward Carpenter Ellet, the subject of this sketch, who is Brigadier-General Alfred Washington Ellet's oldest son, was born in Bunker Hill, Ill., on September 17, 1845, and although springing from a family never wanting in its encouragement of the Federal Government, he deemed it necessary to run away from home when the War broke out, and enlisted on July 15, 1861, under President Lincoln's first call for volunteers, being mustered into service on July 25, 1861, in Company F, Seventh Illinois Regiment at the youthful age of fifteen years and ten months, being the first one of the Ellet family to enlist. After marching on Cape Girardeau under General Benjamin E. Prentiss, he was transferred, upon request of his father, to Company I, Ninth Missouri Regiment and he remained with that regiment until the War Department ordered Captain A. W. Ellet to report to Colonel Charles Ellet, Jr., at New Albany, Ind , with 100 picked men for special and hazardous service. This was after the Battle of Pea Ridge, in which Edward C. Ellet had also participated, and after the regiment had marched to Cross Timbers on the eastern edge of Arkansas; and with Lieut.-Col. A. W. Ellet, Edward C. Ellet, as one of the one hundred chosen, started to join the then rapidly organizing Mississippi Ram Fleet. At N ew Albany, he was appointed aide on Col. Ellet's staff, and carried orders to the river boats then being transformed into steam rams. He sailed with the Ram Fleet to Fort Pillow, then undergoing its fifty-two days of bombardment, and he was one of a small party who, a week or so after his arrival, planted the Stars and Stripes on that famous Confederate fort after its fall.

The Ram Fleet then took the lead, and moved down the river to Memphis, where the famous naval battle was fought on June 6, 1862, and the Rebel fleet was destroyed, the Union Ram Fleet suffering the loss of its gallant commander, Col. Charles Ellet, Jr., as narrated above. Edward C. Ellet, noted already as a dead-shot, was a sharp-shooter on the flagship, Queen of the West. After the fall of Memphis, the Ram Fleet moved down the river to Vicksburg, pluckily passing the river batteries with only bales of cotton to protect their ship's boilers. While in Memphis, the youthful Edward C. Ellet was one of the four men who, under the leadership of Charles Rivers Ellet, pushed through the raging mob then surging the streets of Memphis to the postoffice building, and there, while stoned and fired upon by the mob below, tore down the rebel banner, and placed Old Glory on the staff instead, and without escort safely returned to the Union boats. At Vicksburg, the rams, then under the leadership of Lieutenant-Colonel Alfred W. Ellet, found themselves alone in a hostile country, and learning that Admiral Farragut was with his flagship, the Hartford, and other naval craft below Vicksburg. Lieutenant-Colonel Ellet decided to communicate with him, so he called for volunteers to don citizens' clothes and steal their way across the well-patrolled point of land. Instantly his son Edward and three others stepped forward and ,volunteered for the hazardous journey, which they successfully made, after twice being almost captured and after having been arrested by Admiral Porter's command, which suspected them of being spies for the reason that they resolutely refused to deliver their message to Admiral Porter, since they had strict orders to deliver it to Admiral Farragut in person. Having thus at the risk of their lives delivered their message to Admiral Farragut in person, they were treated by the great Farragut with the utmost consideration, and were sent back up the river with dispatches under an escort of one hundred marines. Edward C. Ellet participated in the siege of Vicksburg, where his command erected a defense and battery, which successfully bombarded the city.
About this time the rebel ram Arkansas came down the Yazoo River, ran through the northern fleets then lying at anchor and, thinking themselves secure, were commencing to clean their boilers. Lieutenant-Colonel Ellet again called for volunteers, this time to accompany him and attempt to destroy the Arkansas by ramming her at her moorings, being then anchored under the protection of the Confederates' batteries of Vicksburg. His son Edward, still a private sharpshooter, was the first man to step forward for the service, much to his brave father's dismay. The trip was made. For over an hour they were under the fire of Vicksburg batteries, concentrated on the little wooden ship. The Arkansas was struck and badly damaged, but owing to an eddy in the current, she was not destroyed. Her gunners worked hard as the Queen of the West backed away, and Lieutenant-Colonel Ellet and his son Edward drew their pistols and at such close range, literally laid the rebel gunners at their guns, effectively checking their fire. For this gallant performance, Edward Carpenter Ellet was appointed by Congress as second lieutenant at the same time that Lieutenant-Colonel Ellet was made a brigadier-general.

In the meantime, Admiral D. D. Porter being away, Admiral Farragut had run the batteries alone at Port Hudson and was below Vicksburg, from which point he sent word to Porter to dispatch him a couple of rams, as he was afraid of a ram-attack from the rebels. In response, Colonel Charles Rivers El-let, commanding the Switzerland, and Colonel John A. Ellet, who was the son of John I. Ellet, the California pioneer heretofore mentioned, commanding the Lancaster, were designated to run the batteries of Vicksburg, and report with their rams to Admiral Farragut below. The Lancaster was sunk by the heavy shell fire from the shore and upper batteries: and the Switzerland had her boilers and steam pipes burst, but floated down the river out of range. Lieutenant Edward C. Ellet was on the Switzerland, which was soon enveloped in steam, so that all the negroes in the engine room were scalded. A shot, weighing 120 pounds, had pierced the boiler. and even on deck the heat was intense to suffocation. The engineer, Granville Robarts, a relative of the general, seeing the danger, stopped the engines and saved himself by jumping overboard into the river; then he caught hold of the slow moving wheel, which lifted him to the plank used by the deck-hands to dip up water, climbed back onto the deck after the heat had subsided, and went back to the boiler room after the explosion.

Lieutenant Edward C. Ellet served on the staff of General Ellet until the close of the war, and during that time he was appointed special messenger to take to Washington captured Confederate currency to the amount of $1,800,000: this he carried in two satchels and delivered it at the War Secretary's office in person to Secretary Edwin M. Stanton. While there he met President Lincoln, who came into the war office on business while young Ellet was talking with the War Secretary. Mr. Lincoln sent for Secretary Chase of the Treasury, who also came. General Halleck happened in at the same time and young Ellet was introduced to all of them, was highly complimented, and given a three days' pass in the city. Upon Edward C. Ellet's honorable discharge Major a S. Tallerday, commanding the Marine Regiment at Vicksburg on January 19, 1865. wrote underneath the precious document an unsolicited note of high acknowledgment and recognition. reading: "I have known Lieutenant Ellet for the last two years. As an officer, he is ever ready to do his whole duty: he is brave to a fault; while as a gentleman, he is unexceptionable."

Thus, the services rendered to the Union by the Ellets was of the greatest value. They were inspired by pure patriotism. The idea of the ram fleet was conceived by a master mind, that of Charles Ellet, Jr., the foremost engineer of the nation at that time. They carried out their plans boldly and fearlessly, personally leading every charge, displaying the greatest courage and bravery amidst the greatest of dangers, not stopping at death itself. After the war, Edward C. Ellet was appointed Military Constable of Yazoo County, Miss., and given a company of Union soldiers to aid him in enforcing law and order during the reconstruction period.

Miraculously escaping death from the yellow fever, he went West with a troop of soldiers on an Indian expedition as far as Fort Bozeman, Mont., in 1867. With two companions he made his return down the Missouri River in a skiff as far as Sioux City, passing through the country of the hostile Sioux Indians at a time when buffaloes were so numerous that his journey was seriously impeded by vast droves crossing the river in front of them. From Sioux City he made his way back home to visit relatives at Bunker Hill, Ill.; and in 1869, enamored of the West and frontier life, he was induced to go out to Eldorado, now the county seat of Butler County, Kan., which was then being settled by Union soldiers who took up' claims of homestead. There he started the first hardware store and organized one of the first banks in Butler County, and became a great political leader, serving as chairman on the Republican County Central Committee and dictating the policies of the county for many years. He was prominent in establishing Eldorado as the county seat. He was appointed government agent for the Piute Indians in 1884. Leaving his banking interests in the hands of his partner, N. F. Frazier, and his father, General Alfred W. Ellet, after whom the public park in Eldorado was named, his father then became president of the bank. About this time General Ellet was offered a commission as major-general in the U. S. regular army. This he respectfully declined, expressing his desire that as long as there was no need for his services in actual warfare, in defense of his country, he preferred to enjoy private life.

Edward C. Ellet then went to Winnemucca, Nev., where he was Indian agent for a year; from Winnemucca, during this period, in the due course or his official duties, he made a trip to San Francisco and back on horseback, after which he returned to Eldorado and resumed banking. Although holding great political power in the State of Kansas, Edward C. Ellet never ran for a political office. On March 14, 1902, he was appointed by Governor W. E. Stanley as member of the board of directors of the State Penitentiary for the term of three years, and elected president of the board at their April meeting. On July 28, 1902, Governor Stanley appointed him delegate to the annual congress of the National Prison Association, at Philadelphia, which met September 13 to 17, 1902, after which he was sent to Yucatan, Mexico, to buy sisal for the state. While there he was entertained by the governor of the State of Yucatan in royal fashion. In 1903 he resigned his position on the State Prison Board and sold out his banking interests to his son-in-law, R. E. Frazier, who was the son of his partner, and accepted an appointment as special agent of the United States General Land Office with headquarters at Seattle, Wash., serving as such from 1903 until 1908, when he resigned, came down to Mayfield, Calif., and in company with his son, Charles Ellet, bought out the old Mayfield Bank and Trust Company. He became its president and his son Charles became its cashier. They came to Mayfield in December, 1908, and January 1, 1909, took charge of the bank. In 1918 he retired from active participation in the bank, leaving its management to his son, Charles Ellet, who reorganized it and brought his brother, Alfred W. Ellet, who was then deputy bank commissioner for the State of Kansas, out to assist him.

On October 20, 1870, Edward Carpenter Ellet was married at Bunker Hill, Ill, to Miss Frances Webster Van Dorn, whose family history is no less notable than that of her illustrious husband. She was born at Bunker Hill, Ill., on January 31, 1854, and is a daughter of Thomas Jefferson Van Dorn, an Argonaut who is a near relative of the famous Southern cavalryman, General Earl Van Dorn of the Confederate Army. She is also a direct descendant of the historic Pilgrim father, Governor Bradford of Massachusetts, and is furthermore a blood relative of Washington Irving, the celebrated author. Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Ellet have made their home at Mayfield since 1908, and with the exception of a stroke of paralysis in 1920 sustained by Mr. Ellet, both are enjoying a reasonable state of health, are well and favorably known and most highly respected. They have become the parents of three children: Henrietta Wilbur Ellet Frazier, who married the late R. E. Frazier, noted banker and oil man. R. E. Frazier discovered oil in the Eldorado field in Kansas, and brought in the first private well in that field on the Linn lease, it being the second well in that district. He succumbed to the influenza epidemic in December, 1918. Mrs. Frazier is now a resident of Menlo Park, where she has lived since 1919, and is the mother of one child, a daughter, Henrietta Ellet Frazier, who is a student at the Castilleja School for Girls at Palo Alto. Alfred W. Ellet, vice president, and Charles Ellet, cashier of The Stanford Bank, both noted elsewhere in this work, are, respectively, the oldest and youngest of the three. Edward Carpenter Ellet has lived a full, useful and remarkable life, and now, as the sun is about to set on his earthly activities he hands down the glories of a noble ancestry undimmed and untarnished to a worthy progeny, while the nation is left stronger and better for his strenuous, patriotic and illustrious career.

 from Eugene T. Sawyers' History of Santa Clara County,California,  published by Historic Record Co. , 1922. page 746


SANTA CLARA COUNTY The Valley of Heart's Delight